Saturday, August 29, 2009

WHY SHOULD YOU READ rickaddsite? Original?

A few weeks ago, I composed a series of articles with an unorthodox methodology: TRIUMVIRATE CONTROLLED BY AN INVISIBLE
SHOULD I CHOOSE? I'VE BEEN INVITED TO ONE. I proposed that an Triumvirate was being created backed by or controlled by a
an oligarchy. Beginning on Monday, August 24 and ending on Friday, August 28, Glenn Beck did a series of shoes based on a sim-
iliar proposition. In all fairness, one can make the argument that he had been building up to his original theory for weeks. Could it be
another case of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace? Few people are familiar with the latter. ORIGINAL.
It's an interesting coincidence. As a well-informed individual, I formulate and present ORIGINAL and unORIGINAL ideas (always attributing credit to the originator) predicated an data that I collect independently, as well as. sources conservative, moderate and liberal (Besides, you have to be
open-minded and keep an eye on the enemy!). I watch Glenn Beck and Chris Mathews.
What is important? More and more Americans are becoming cognizant of the fact that our ORIGINAL Founding Father's Constitution is
being replaced by the so-called liberal 'living' constitution and that their are those who want to add FDR's unauthorized and unapproved
Bill of Rights to the ORIGINAL without public or congressional consent. I like Glenn Beck. You might say that crazy minds think alike!
(Although, we have the evidence). Occasionally, I disagree with him. I'm going to send him a copy of this article. I am confident that I
will receive a gracious response. What is important? That the ORIGINAL idea becomes the majority opinion. It will if more Americans
become aware of what's transpiring behind their back (czars) and take action. Don't leave it to the other guy, He won't get off  of his butt!
It's up to you to phone and/or e-mail and/or visit and/or  snail mail your local, state and federal officials. It's up to you to work in opposition
to their community organizers by joining at least one of your local organizations: political, religious (liberals will love that!) civic clubs - - - do
it for your self or your country or your children or your grandchildren (we are counting on the elderly to lead the way in preserving and
protecting the American way and creating many of the ORIGINAL approaches in dealing with this crisis). Local to federal: contact
organization like the Campaign for Liberty, the Alliance Defense Fund, Trust Common sense, Glenn's 912 Project They are holing their
cell phones and manning their computers waiting with bated breath for your call or e-mail. Ask what you can do for the United
States of America and against the United Socialist Secular States of America. Do what they ask. They'll welcome your ORIGINAL
suggestions. Disabled and homebound? Your an American, aren't you? Look at what rickcosmos does from his headquarters (home)!
A temporary aside: Glenn Beck was caught by a viewer for misspelling 'oligarchy'; I was nabbed by a reader for creative spelling on
one occasion (if truth be told: many; I often forget about spell check) involving 'triumvirate.
                                                                                  ORIGINAL To Majority Aware,
                                                                                   Member, Second American Revolution

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ooh, L`a, L`a

Editor's Note: Linda Kessler is a published poet. A sampling of her work can be enjoyed at www. She wa gracious enough to permit rickcosmos to post this poem.
                                       Ooh, L`a, L`a
Oh, what he does to me when he makes love to me
He makes me come alive, I won't quit now
You really got a hold on me
Oh, and when he touches me
Ooh, L`a, L`a
It's like kittens purring, rolling and rolling around
In catnip for hours at a time
And when he kisses me
Ooh, L`a, L`a
It's like fireworks that never stop
And when he tells me he loves me
The world stops, because by then I'm going out of my head
He makes love to me and blows my mind away
Ooh, L`a, L`a
Then again, he stares at me, intoxicates
The eye kisses me Makes love to me
My toes curl and my knees freeze
Ooh, L`a, L`a

Fwd: Regular E-mail: Can He Do It?

THE CROWD IS HOLDING IT'S BREATH. He's taking a few practice shots. He feels loose. He's getting
into position. Wait! He took a step backward. He's attempting to regain his nerve. He waves to the crowd.
He's back in position. Here it comes...My house was built circa 1940. For years, I tried to find out what was here
prior to that. Last year, I called the Brooklyn Historical Society. I was told that they don't do research for
individuals. I'm not above exploited my disability. Cut to the chase...Bay Ridge Nursery and Greenhouse;
before approx. 1930 - likely woods. Oh no! He slipping. The crowd is shouting: "Get a grip. You can do it."
,,,Washington had a list of 110 rules regarding etiquette, manners and courtesies he tried to follow. Now Miss
Manners and the University of Virginia are creating a new list based on his list. It is sure is need today!
And teenage girls on the Internet - don't they have any respect for themselves. Years ago, I carried a cane
I rarely used it: sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't; Peter Paul's has nuts and Monds
don't. Sometimes,  you feel like a cripple and sometimes, you don't) and I would give up my seat to a women.
People looked shocked and stared. I don't mind attention. And, besides, I was just being a gentleman like I
was raised to be. Manners are disappearing just like morality! Strike out, Rick.

Fwd: Perceptions: Whose Reality is Reality?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Mar 8, 2009 6:47 pm
Subject: Perceptions: Whose Reality is Reality?

        Dear Fans,
       I intend to make a big and bold contention at the end of what represents one of my last e-mail/articles. Forgive
me that was shocking and callus on my part. I should have warned you to get a bottle of booze (I couldn't join you
having removed alcoholism gold turkey along with smoking as two of my personality traits) or a bottle of valium
before I hit you with that monumental news. Grow-up. Get a hold of yourself. Life won't end - just life as you
once new it. A message to virtually everyone else: I hope that you enjoy the party that you are going to throw
in order to celebrate. Caution: don't celebrate too much for I will continue to send my friends typical-amphetamine-
free-prosaic e-mails of the kind that you have come to love. All kidding aside: I enjoy there social nature.
      Bring it on...There are a few democrats in and outside of Congress who want to establish a truth squad to
investigate Bush and his administration. You know the one: he cut taxes big time ala Presidents Kennedy and
Reagan (the tax cuts had nothing to do with the present economic/financial crisis - - - that was courtesy of
Clinton and Frank regarding loans which triggered a much wider mess); protected us from another terrorist attack;
won the Iraqi was - - - establishing the first Arab democracy in the middle east; protected traditional marriage; crippled
the Bin Laden gang; got Libya to give up its WMDs; did more to help stop the spread of disease in Africa then the
so called black president - Clinton; prevented American health professionals using federal funds from committing
murder (abortion) when doing humanitarian work in foreign countries - Oboma is allowing it; strictly
limited embryonic stem cell research - I'd oppose it even if it meant that I could walk again, adult stem and am biotic
flued research is more more promising  - nonetheless, Oboma isn't going my way.
      As a republican I want a truth squad established to investigate the Clinton/ China connection. It was only
superficially examined. Follow the money. Missile technology for China. Al Gore not knowing why he was
collecting envelopes in a Buddhist Temple in California!
      Truth? What the hell do liberals know about truth when their media and public school are so one-sided.
They wouldn't know truth if it went up Barney Frank's ass! Physicist Haldane once said in another context, "The
universe is queerer then we imagine; the universe is queerer then we can imagine." (Perhaps, I should join P.C.-an-
onomous?!) Do you favor thruth commissions?
Commander-in Chief ,,,The president takes an oath to protect Americans from enemies foreign and domestic in
time of war. Lincoln suspended hubious corpus during the civil war. Roosevelt (a darling to liberals) kept enemy
P.O.W.s until the end of World War Two without specific charges against them and interred hundreds of thousands
of Jap-Americans. War Crimes: only to liberals who want to grant terrorists and enemy combatants all the
legal and civil rights of American citizens. I got a great idea: let's exhume Rooselt's decaying body and prop him
up on a witness chair and lodge charges against him like a 13th century pope did against his predecessor!
      Where has my America gone? It's gone away. Times are a-changing. And all the time the president knew
it and all the time Pelusi knew it...I never thought that the day would come when 40% of my bank Citibank (Citi-
corp) would be owned by my uncle Sam.
      The House that are founding daddies built... The liberal government has one wreaking ball and the liberal
unions the other. The old Protestant work ethic is in the gutter. Do you think that spending millions on
studying pig farts is going to create jobs and stimulate the economy/ Do you think modeling our economy on
a zero-growth economy like France will encourage people to work hard in a society that wages class warfare? Correct me.
Tell me what's good about the so-called stimulus plan.Tell me what's good about socialized medicine.    Tell
me what's good about increases taxes on those who create jobs: the rich and the corporations. Tell me why
you should struggle to pay your mortgage and the mortgage of someone who got in over their head because of
Clinton and Frank? What would you do if you were president.
      Speaking of Paul...More and more it seems to me that today's Christian churches are based more on Paul, Luke
and Emperor Constantine then on Jesus and the 12 apostles. Paul never met Jesus but claimed to have a vision
of Him rising. It didn't sit well with some of the Apostles that he considered himself the 13th apostles.His
Christian church triumphed over the Apostles' People of the way. About three hundred years after Jesus was crucified
Constantine declared Christianity to be the official religion  of the Roman Empire    and authorized the creation of the New Testament.
75% of it is written by Luke; 50% is written by Paul or is about Paul and Luke's Paul.
       After Al Gore created the Internet...On the first day, he created the Internet and saw that it was good; on the
second day, he created global warming and saw that it was good; on the third day, he went to a Buddhist temple
and saw the alms were good.
       On being macho and being afraid: it's not nice to mess with mother nature or God...virtual reality,
holograms, sex-change operations, human cloning, babies having babies; single mothers, genetic engineering,
cyborgs, androids, evolutionary biology and psychology, quantum physics and nanotechnology scare me to death.
        I warned you at the beginning that I was saving something big, bold and shocking for the end (stop
doing cartwheels and shouting 'hallelujah.'). I hereby contend that I know more about what's going on outside
then people who go outside. Sometimes it's better to step inside to get a better view of outside. Is it better
to be at a ball game or watch it on T.V. (where you get instant replays from various angles and tons of
statistics). The average person is woefully uninformed and parochial in their perspective (I need to reread, "How
to Make Friends and Influence people" its been years).I studied the history of entertainment in America from
the late 1700s to to the present, therefore, I am in a better position to judge the quality of writing, directing,
acting, composing and singing. I know more about what's going on in public schools them most parents know.
I know of the past 4 major studies onl global warming that 3 indicate that little or know global warming is
taken place. I know that I know more about science then Al. Liberals politicians lie and the lie is trans
mitted via the liberal media and schools. I studied things that I don't like - like art, I occasionally watch
channels that I don't like - like G4 and Current (on the fourth day Al created this cable network) to keep
tabs on some 18 to 35 year olds. Religious channels with youths active in their faith. I know that younger
people aren't an homogenous group the way the media generally portraits them. I know the
difference between the GDP and the GNP. I know about different cultures and the problems faced by many
of our senior. I am cognizant of the fact that the lousy, little, lying liberals (how do you like this alliteration?) destroyed traditional morality
and the fucks should burn in hell (I already signed up for PC training!).
    On facing your fears... I am aware of the fact that the answers aren't necessarily in ancient writings. The answers to our
most profound questions lie were we fear to thread in the Twilight Zone. The answers to our deepest
questions, our salvation and our eternity lie in our mind (where are feelings and personalities lie (figuratively speak-
ing in our hearts), dualism, relativistic physics, quantum mechanics, our genetic code, astronomical
evolution, geological evolution, biological evolution, string theory, m-theory, computer technology, neurons/
computer chips interface,  nanotechnology, pantheism, deism, nature and GOD!
      Outsiders vs. Insiders...Harriman said of Krazy Kat: "May in some soon time...let in the light which is
now to our meager vision denied...for you will understand him no better then we who linger on this side of the
      See you in the funnies...
                                                                                                     STANDING TALL-outside in,