by Richard DePersio and Duke Forrest
(continues with two subsequent articles)
Sgt. Friday in Dragnet used to say: "Just the facts, ma'am." We add: "All, especially,
Moderates and Undecided read with an open mind."
Christianity has been an integral part of U.S. military since our nation's founding.
It played a major role in traditions, including, ceremonies. The few per cent of members
who weren't Christian weren't unduly disconcerted: they could stand quietly and
politely without participating. Remember: We live in a republic which means that majority
rules but none of the "Bill of Rights" can be taken away from minorities (predicated on race
or age or gender or religion or, even, minority of opinion) nor should minorities be unduly
disconcerted. The arrangement was constitutional. Now the 2% muslim have been objecting
or are they being pressured to do so by libs or are libs causing trouble and placing the blame
on muslims. Most likely: libs and muslims are complaining. We shouldn't have minority rule.
Further, Tradition is good and vital. (lower-case letters intentional).
The sissy PC military bowing to pressure has been moving away from Christianity for the
past five years. (we don't have a dog in the hunt: we are deists with a splash of Plato but
acknowledge the important role of Christianity in Western Tradition, including, U.S. History (See:
Facebook - Second American Revolution).
Step One: Military lower standards so that women can wear uniform; Step Two: Christian
prayers, symbols disappearing; Step Three: gays can serve openly in military; Step Four:
BESTIALITY no longer ground for expulsion from military!!! This effort by the military and the
senate was stopped by Republicans. We wonder how long it will be before liberals prevail.
A few years back, Justice Scalia warned that ruling anti-sodomy laws (a few states still
had them on the books; although, they were no longer enforced) unconstitutional would lead to
same-sex marriage. Most legal experts disagreed. Who was right. Effort to decriminalize
bestiality was prompted by the end of 'Don't Ask/Don't Tell.'
Nota bene': the three or so decades since the Courts first mandated the removal of
Christian principles from education and the public arena, violent crime has risen nearly 700 per
cent; teen pregnancies have increased nearly 700 per cent; academic achievement scores have
plummeted; America now consistently places among the last in the world in math and science;
and American literacy has fallen from the best in the world to a deplorable 48th - the worst of
any industrialized nation." (David Barton, "The Practical Benefits of Christianity").
What unforeseen consequence will befall U.S. Military!?!
Sociology: You can be born with a strong or weak homo gene, nasty gene, criminal gene, greedy
gene, pedophile gene (according to prestigious John Hopkins). Bestiality gene? Why not. Making
excuses for bad behaviour.Libs: Homos can't help being what they are; Criminals shouldn't be severely
punished for they can't help themselves.
Some geneticists and biochemists and psychologists think that it is largely bio: strong homo,
very likely to become homo. Others: genes signal dispositions. Environment/nurture will ultimately
decide. Why bring nature/bio into it. Just say: you are the product of everything that you have
learned in the order that you learned it; everything that you experienced in the order that you
experienced it; everyone you have known, especially, in most cases, parents.
Please read the following two articles. They may not be our best written but they are arguably our most
important. Learn about what's happening in your children's comics amongst other things...