-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Feb 29, 2012 12:37 pm
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Feb 29, 2012 12:37 pm
B.O. is the first anti-Zionist, perhaps, anti-Jewish U.S. president.
Let's go to the experts (not Christians or Jews in the State Department): Two
years ago, we saw a report from Sky News in the U.K. in which a radical Muslim
cleric stated the only a few per cent of Muslims are radicals and terrorists and that
the vast majority were moderates. He went on to declare that a majority of the
moderates could easily be converted into becoming radicals or terrorists. At
about the same time, we saw a former Muslim/now Christian woman on the
700 Club who said the self-same thing but added that many so-called
moderates were concealing their true identities as radicals or terrorists and
might be part of terror-cells.
Gov propaganda: Most Muslims are peace-loving/equality believing moderates.
If true, explain the following: Most so-called moderate mosques in the U.S.
receive part of their funding from the terrorist-supporting muslim brotherhood
(lower-case letters intentional)! Why don't they announce that they are
disassociating themselves from the mb which aided and abetted hitler during
WW2 and which presently sponsors the killers of Jewish men, women and
children: hamas and hesbollah.
by Richard DePersio and the late Irving Penner
We were appalled by what is transpiring on American college campuses as seen
on JLTV (Jewish - the Chosen cable network). We were already cognizant of the fact
that over 60% of elementary public school and over 75% of public high school
teachers along with over 90% of college professors were liberal-biased. Public
schools and colleges - and this should concern moderates and conservatives - are
not institutions of education but bastions for liberal indoctrination wherein over
60% of American history text books on average are negative concerning American
The doc* informed that most Jews don't favor censorship and are strong
advocates of free speech but do think that colleges should teach students how to think
and not what do think by presenting all not just one perspective an an issue.
What is happening in college classrooms - professors and auditoriums - guest
speakers -- is just plain disgusting. Rarely do professors expose students to
alternate views and rarely are those with the opposing view invited to speak and
when they are radical students negate their freedom of speak rights while the
college administration largely looks the other way.
Young impressionable minds are being taught the Israelis turn Palestinian children
into meat; they are slaughtered according to Jewish rites. They are engaging in ethnic
cleansing regarding Palestinians. Students are being taught that Zionism is a disease.
Jews are blamed for the problems of others (Hitler used the self-same tactic). Jews
are pigs. They are being told that Jews should be purged from gov and media. A map
of the Middle East replacing Israel with Palestine has been distributed on many colleges
campuses in California, New York, Washington, Vermont and Massachusetts -five
of the most lib states -- libs are big proponents of free speech: their own (just
look at most of television, newspapers, music and movies which is lib-controlled).
Students are being told that Israeli policy toward Palestinians is as bad as
apartheid when in fact Palestinians enjoy self-gov on their land and those living in
Israel are offered citizenship. Arabs and Christians are represented in Israeli congress
and comprise 20% of the electorate. Students risk getting a lower grade or failing if they
don't agree with professor.
Americans contact universities and colleges and tell them how real Americans
feel about free speech.
*Stand with Us Presents Tolerating Intolerance
Please read "Our Chosen People" Parts 1 & 2 at www.quasarpolitics.blogspot.com
Please read articles below concerning the attack against innocent minds.