-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 5:54 pm
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 5:54 pm
Sadly measure defeated. We tried. Let's make a habit of WORKING TOGETHER on major issues.
Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 1:30 am
Subject: BLOODY (as our Brit friends would say) MURDER!!!
Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 1:30 am
Subject: BLOODY (as our Brit friends would say) MURDER!!!
House is expected to vote on disgusting sex selection this week. We have been talking about it for
weeks. We doubt that it would pass. Libs will vote against it.* Even though, it is the most anti-female
act in existence for they fear weakening abortion. Libs are hypocrites: How can they call themselves
feminists and at the same time vote against this legislation!?! Nonetheless, we implore you to do the
humane thing - even if libs can't: Fight for the INNOCENT. Call your Congressman. House Operator
will assist: 1-202-224-3121. Do it today. Just say 'NO' to sex selection and the murdering of the
DEFENSELESS!!! (See below).
*Due to arcane House procedures a 2/3 vote is necessitated to pass.
Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 12:27 pm
Subject: ...$$$s for CHARITY
Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 12:27 pm
Subject: ...$$$s for CHARITY
by Richard DePersio and Dago RED
(Our articles are written for moderates, moderate-conservatives and conservatives)
We are proud sponsors of "ChildFund International," "JudicialWatch" and Alliance Defense
Fund and strongly urge you to make purchases on our five web sites as our profits - all - go to
these three outstanding organizations. Thank You.
(We have a bone to pick with CCF. Some might consider it a trifle/a small bone. We think
CCF writes: "Girls are the most at risk, just because they are female... Gender-based
violence toward the most vulnerable children living in poverty adds another layer of
physical, psychological and emotional trauma that can last a lifetime --- and destroy their
future...Sexual violence by male peers and teachers; Early or forced marriage for young
girls; Lack of protection from violence and danger; Trafficking for the purpose of
exploitation; Traditional, gender mutilation practices harmful to females; Neglect and
denial of medical care, especially for girls. One of the countries where CCF be launching
programs on GBV is Liberia.
(CCF failed to mention what we talk about 3 and, especially, 4 floors down. Are they afraid
to offend libs who won't give an inch on this issue, no matter how cruel!?! And, it is even
transpiring in our country!...We contacted CCF and took them to task when they changed their
name from Christian Children's Fund. We wondered why even though we are deists. Fear of
libs. Their explanation: our mission is much more inclusive now and somewhat different then
in the past. Satisfactory to you?).
CCF is an outstanding organization and consistently scores high ratings as regards percentage
of contribution actually spent on the needy vs. overhead. Compassionate people: Consider
making a contribution or sponsoring a child here or abroad. Orgs like this do a far better job as
regarding the less fortunate than do gov programs but don't possess the same resources.
Per capita Americans are the most giving people in the world - consider at least a one-time
contribution to CCF. And, Americans would do more if fed gov got out of the social service
arena - where it constitutionally doesn't belong!...ChildFund.org /1-800-776-6767
Strange Bedfellows: Alliance Defense Fund and Citizen Journalist. CJ was born and raised a
Catholic, became an atheist at 18, a pantheist at 30, and, eventually, a deist with a splash of
Plato (he nearly slipped up and revealed his age - you won't find it at Facebook or Twitter. Alright,
he'll finally reveal this much: between 33 and 43).
Why? (Why won't he reveal his age? None of your business. Sherlock is still trying to find out).
Why does he support ADF? He contends that over the centuries, religion has done more good
than bad. He believes that the secularization of America, especially, since the '60s has been
very BAD!!! He is a strict Constitutionalist who share the views of the Founding Fathers as
regards religious freedom and not the revisionist lousy little lying libs' (there is our favorite
alliteration again!) distortions of the views of George, Ben, Tom, Jim and company. (More on this
on the floors below: not-out-of-date, still as relevant now as it was when written; there's a lot of
good stuff down below!).
ADF writes: "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and its allies are unyielding. They never
let up. Nothing is off-limits to them. Everything Christian, every public prayer, every Christian
symbol is fair game for attack...No one has filed more lawsuits against religious liberty than the
ACLU...Mountain Home, Idaho city officials told No Limits Christian ministries that zoning laws
permitted no churches in the community. But ADF-allied attorney took the city to court and now No
Limits has no limits in its ministry. We ask: Why doesn't ACLU go after Muslims???
You need not be religious in general or Christian in particular to be a staunch defender of
Amendment One in the Bill of Rights! Please consider making a one-time contribution or
becoming a a regular contributor: www.TELLADF.org /1-800-TELL-ADF.
Are we opposed to BO because the three spiritual advisors that he had beginning as a teen with
the second being the Reverend 'Wrong' - all subscribing to the same disturbing theology? No; though
disturbing. It is because he is a lib? No. JFK is a lib icon; they are too stupid to realize that he was
anything but a lib! He instituted major tax cuts, challenged America in Moon Race (though motivation
was to distract attention from Bay of Pigs fiasco), sent first flighting man to Viet Nam - Green Berets
(right decision based on available intelligence - which would later turn out to be faulty). LBJ was an
enthusiastic supporter of NASA. Jimmy 'Peanuts' Carter and the Camp David Accords. They were libs.
We haven't agreed with one single thing that BO has done. He might be a Constitutional Criminal. (See:
"A Bad Case of Treason" at 'rickaddsite,' Page 6, near top - connect via FB Second American
"A Bad Case of Treason" at 'rickaddsite,' Page 6, near top - connect via FB Second American
Revolution or Twitter @rickaddsite -- remember: there is good stuff on page one and beyond).
Judicial Watch: "...the naked truth is that government corruption is never-ending in this bigger-than-
ever, socialist orthodoxy of the Obama administration." JW has filed a staggering 877 Freedom of
Information Act requests and more than 75 lawsuits regarding ObamaCare, continued Obama
funding of the criminal ACORN group, tracking Wall Street bailout money, his potentially
unconstitutional use of czars who are accountable to no one but him, the corrupt political machine's
intentions to steal the 2012 election..and more. Enable Judicial Watch to continue Watching:
www.JudicialWatch.org /(202) 646-5172, 1-888-593-8442.
Become a member of TEAM USA at SETI@home U.S. is in 5th place - Are you going to put up with
We are considering contributing a little something - we can't afford much to "Youth for Western
Civilization" and so should you! Find out more at www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com