-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 9:04 am
Subject: The Culture War: News from the Front...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 9:04 am
Subject: The Culture War: News from the Front...
by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and Jose' Jimenez
Our tease at www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com and rickaddsite. Now, the answers: Hispanics or Latinos
(whatever they prefer to be called) are the biggest threats to American Identity, Western Civilization -----
and to blacks!!! HonorableXXX Dishonorable Mention: Muslims. (Coming Soon: Within this article - the
Moderate-muslim-Myth and anchor Joses).
Latin America isn't part of Western Civilization nor did it contribute to America becoming the number one
nation on the globe. The changing American Identity is due in large part to the Immigration Reform Act of
'65 and the Amnesty of '87. We want: Melting Pot not multi-culturalism. A desire to preserve that which
made America great and to build upon it and a desire to have others in our nation embrace it, even if not
technically a part of their heritage, isn't bigoted. Being Pro-American/Pro-Western Civilization/Pro-Traditional
Moral Values and anti-lib isn't bigoted! Unity: United States. There is so much Western Civilization,
including, American Branch that only it should be taught in elementary and high schools (ONE: melting pot)
with multicultural limited to home, parades/festivals and colleges.
1960: 2% of population Hispanic; 1990: 8%; Today: 14% (this doesn't include illegals). Blacks - African-
American breed - 1990: 11%; Today: 13%. They worked hard to achieve equality but have steadily been
loosing political clout due to high 'brown' birth rate They aren't pleased with the changing situation. Yet, over
90% voted for BO.
IQs, on average, Orientals score higher than crackers, crackers score higher than darkies, darkies
on average outscore browns while reds bring up the rear. Average white is higher than average blacks,
nonetheless, there are blacks who are smarter than whites.The notion that IQ tests are designed by
vanillas for vanillas is a silly lib excuse without merit and foundation. It is designed to measure certain
types of intelligence enjoyed by all homo sapiens. Stop insulting minorities.
What does the future hold?
By 2035 or sooner, honkies will no longer be the majority - there won't be a majority; we will constitute
the largest minority. By 2070 or sooner, the largest minority or, perhaps, the majority will be brownies with
a different culture not the best one: WC/AB; It will be rendered a distant memory.
How will it come to pass?
Of the estimated 12 million illegals (likely an underestimate), 9 million are Hispanics; 6 of the 9
are wetbacks.
The BO factor:
Larry Dever, Sheriff, Cochise County, Arizona: "...I never dreamed I would be named...in a lawsuit by
Barack Obama, Eric Holder and even the ACLU...If we win, the work can finally begin to clean up the
mess at our borders!! If we lose, every pro-amnesty, anti-American who can afford a lawyer will use
the ruling in our case as a club to beat every state in submission - it will be virtually impossible for
officers anywhere to do their jobs without fear of being sued - and it will be next to impossible to stop
anyone from crossing our borders." (Send a donation for his cause and legal defense fund).
Anchor babies a.k.a. anchor Jose'-s: Clearly Amendments 13, 14, 15 to the U.S. Constitution (we've
stated this many times) was meant to apply and apply only to former black slaves and their children and
not those who illegally enter our Sovereign Nation and deposit a baby here!
Once again BO wants to violate the U.S. Constitution (we have 19 charges now against him. See:
"A Bad Case if Treason." Look and ye shall find!). Illegal aliens who have U.S. relatives. Judicial Watch:
"...Homeland Security...will grant 'unlawful presence waivers' to illegal aliens who can prove that they
have a relative that's a U.S. citizen. Currently, such aliens must return to their native country and request a
waiver of inadmissibility in an existing overseas immigration process. In other words, they must enter
the U.S. legally as thousands of foreigners do on a yearly basis...Security risk...rewarding bad behavior..."
"Indeed as JW has pointed out many times, the Obama Administration is intent on granting amnesty
to millions of illegal immigrants with or without approval by Congress --- and despite stiff public
opposition...DHS policy of 'selective deportation' which means...to dismiss deportation against a wide
variety of illegal aliens, even those convicted of serious crimes."
The last two paragraphs: All of whom will be competing for jobs with those who were born here and
who came here legally. BO won't be satisfied until their is blanket amnesty. Isn't it bad enough that most
illegals (courtesy of lib governors. county execs and mayors) receive social services and healthcare now - the
cost of their presence far outweighs any alleged economic benefit from their being here; legalizing them will
only compound the problem. Let's not forget the crimes that they commit! We're not talking about 9 or 12 million -
legalizing them will mean that immediately or after 5 or 7 years, they can bring their children and parents here
(those not already illegally present). We are talking about a flood of 30 to 40 million!!! Competing for jobs,
receiving social services (don't forget the national debt!) and destroying American Identity!!!!!!!!
Here come the muslims with their wonderful culture...We've been saying it ever since they planned (which
they succeeding in doing) building their islamic center near Ground Zero in New York City. The muslim
brotherhood (lower-case letters intentional) aided and abetted hitler doing WW2, contributes funds to the
hamas and hezbollah terrorist groups and contributes funds to most so-called 'moderate' mosques in the
Now we hear...French Porch Politics has revealed 'stealth' operations by the muslim brotherhood to give
funds to public schools and 'request' that they teach arabic!!!
Check out: Western Culture Global contact@WesternCultureGlobal.org and Facebook Youth for Western
(We have five web sites - be a glutton and read more than one page per site).