Wednesday, November 4, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Nov 4, 2009 5:16 pm

ping                                                                                                                        blogger
                                      by rickcosmos (Richard DePersio) 

                                                     PURE GEM

Homosexuality is immoral according to the Bible and abnormal and unnatural according to
evolution. I want to hear from the honorable opposition (your views will be posted unedited;
we thrive for robust but civil dialog). We don't care what two consenting adults do in private
so long as it is legal; it doesn't mean that the actions of the 5% should be sanctioned by
society and government.
       Maine has become state number 31 not to legalize same-sex marriage in a popular
vote. Same-sex marriage is legal in 5 states and same-sex civil (semantics: another name
for marriage) are legal in 2 but they were imposed by judges or state legislators and not
the people. Traditional marriage prevails in remaining 12 states - it hasn't been challenged
there. It would lead to other perverted unions. Traditional marriage must be preserved and
protected for historical, religious and cultural reasons.
       I'm shocked in light of the fact that the media (television, music, movies, major
newspapers) and schools are controlled by the 20% who identify themselves as liberals.
Yet, people resist indoctrination and go traditional!

                                                    FLAWED GEM

Obama wants to replace private bank loans with government-subsidized loans. What's next?
The government is taking control of most financial institions, businesses, the media
and farms. The socialist (communist?) is telling us what we can drive and eat when will
he get around to telling us how many breathes of air we can take per day. I'm serious.

                                                     PURE GEM
Private school (most of which are Catholic) out perform (education and discipline) on average
home-schooled and non-unionized public charter schools which in turn beat public magnet schools. While regular public schools bring in the rear. If politicians and unions cared about children all public schools would be charter and magnet instead there is a low cap on the number of such schools..
       Regular public schools have shown modest or modest to moderate improvement
thanks to Bush's "No Child Left Behind" program. It makes it more difficult for
teachers to grant so-called 'social' promotions to undeserving students because they
don't want to hurt their egos and so that they don't look bad when many or most
students are failing their class. It is harder for them to tinker with grades because of
national-standardized tests. Further, failing public school (which unions love and
they hated Bush) are put on notice that they have five years to clean up their act
and face closure and replacement by charter and magnet schools (unions don't like
the latter because they have less control of them even though their unionized).
       And there is another reason: according to Jason Riley, educational expert, it puts pressure
(competition, the capitalist way) on regular public schools to perform better and they are if there is a charter or magnetic school in the district (unfortunately, there aren't more of them.
Liberal solution: throw good money after bad when it comes to regular public schools.
Money isn't the problem!!! Magnets get less then regular and charters get less then magnets!

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