THE KEY 9: Shelby, Nelson, Sprat, Ryan, Conrad, Greg, your 2 senators
and 1 congressman. To leave message at their website - example: (www.-?) To secure phone numbers - Senate Operator:
202-224-3121; House Operator: 202-226-7200 (Senate operator will usually
give you senate and house numbers; you need not know names of your
senators and congressman but you most know name of state in which you
Extend lifespan of Shuttle for 2 to 4 years; Save most of Constellation Program.
List: First 2 are key NASA supporters; 3 and 5, Senate and House Budget
Committee Chairmen; 4 and 6, Ranking Members.
Rick grudgingly decided to be nice and give you 7 of he 9 numbers: Conrad,
202-224-3324; Greg, 202-224-2043; Sprat, 202-225-5507; Ryan, 202-225-3031;
Shelby, 202-224-5744; Nelson, 202-224-5275. He can't get the other 3 for you!
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