Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fwd: Revised: One Who Knows Science...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 28, 2011 1:52 pm
Subject: Revised: One Who Knows Science...
Updated; originally written: 1/13...
Recently, NASA completely another 10-year study (a follow-up to the one completed in
2001) indicating once again that little or no warming is taking place (NASA using satellites
measures temperatures at various levels in atmosphere). U.N. says otherwise (using
computer models {wherein observations are made to fit predictions!} and surface
 temperatures {on land, they were placed near heat-
generating sources and on sea, measurements aren't very reliable}). Who are you
going to believe: the prestigious scientific/technological NASA or the anti-American U.N.
Liberal-Bogus Science: sociobiology; climate warming for past 20 years and continuing;
value of going green; hole in ozone layer being a major problem. Schools must get
politics out of science and desist in promoting a progressive-only/secular-only agenda.
Objectivity should reign supreme. Schools must teach real and lib-science; real and
revisionist American history! Indoctrination: presenting only one side of an issue or
two - given latter short shift. Libs are doing the self-same thing in other subjects and

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