-----Original Message-----
From: rrdd3939@aol.com
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Mar 10, 2009 9:17 pm
Subject: When Hell Froze Over
Stop the presses...I agree with Oboma on something!!! He wants merit pay for outstanding regular public
school teachers and for magnet school teachers. Liberals including union leaders and teachers want a gigantic
pay increase for all regular public school teachers.Liberals created a myth: teachers are underpaid. In reality they earn only
about 7.5% less than firemen and police officers; their pensions and other benefits exceed those in uniform
who protect us. And Oboma wants states to increase the number of magnet schools and magnet school
programs within regular schools. Liberals hate the idea.
There is more that he should do: parental choice (school vouchers).Liberals created another myth: school
vouchers would mean less money for regular public schools. In reality it would mean fewer students in a classroom
(I thought that liberals wanted that) and more money spent per child. Liberal myth 3: not
enough money is spent on public schools. The truth: prior to the '60s we spent little on public schools and yet
they were nearly as good as catholic schools when it came to education and discipline. We have quadrupled
spending on public schools since the '60s and they have gotten progressively worse. The problem with public
schools isn't a lacking of money; the problem with public schools is that most of them have become jokes.
They need reorganizing not more money. It is virtually impossible for a principle to fire an incompetent teacher
thanks to the union. (Is my new friend - Mr. President Oboma listening?). What else went wrong with schools
which were once the envy of the world (whether they admitted it or not). The first and biggest teacher's union
formed in the early '60s; liberal put a stop to beginning the school day and using the Bible to help teach
English in the mid'60s by creating another myth: separation of church and state; reducing the number of years
social studies was taught and teaching sex education without a moral component in most schools in the '70s;
over emphasis on PC and the biggest crime/sin of all beginning the process of shifting from education to one-sided
liberal indoctrination in the '80s; More and more schools emphasizing self-esteem and de-emphasizing getting
correct answers in to '90s; they couldn't resist ringing in the new millennium by teaching sex as early as first
grade when their incapable of teaching English, science, history and math., dissuading cities from having
curfew laws and teaching how all Muslims are caring and loving people - even some schools having Muslim
days (what happened to their church/state myth?; by the way. 80% of Americans identify themselves as
On average, private school (most private schools are catholic - boy do liberals hate that) kids
score higher on national standardized tests than do charter school, home-school and magnet kids (in that
order) who in turn score higher than regular public school kids. By the way, charter schools are government
funded too but NON-UNION. These teachers are dedicated teachers who put the kids ahead of salary - they
are paid less then regular and magnet teachers. They spend their time created new creative methods of
teaching and innovative curriculums- they are at liberty to do so because their non-unioned and principals can
easily fire incompetent teachers. They don't spend their time demanding ridiculous sums of money! The
head of the teacher's union in '85 (I paraphrase): we will care about the kids when their old enough to pay
union dues.
Limo-liberals can choose where the offspring are educated why shouldn't the working poor and the lower
middle class and the mid-middle class be able to do the same?! And it wouldn't cost the taxpayer one
extra dime. The liberal controlled mainstream media (movies, music, television and newspapers have given
we conservatives a bum rap. They're blooding heart Liberals. The want to continue their failed policies. We
are cold and callus. Truth: we want new approaches like school vouchers and faith-based programs. Liberals
in general and unions in particular are responsible for the collapse of the housing and auto industries. What do you
I'm continuing my study of entertainment in America from the late 1770s to the present including jazz
(ragtime, blues, Dixieland and swing) rock and pop and modern jazz (bebop, cool jazz, free jazz, jazz fusion,
smooth jazz). I just started Latin jazz and salsa. What are your musical preferences?
This was a regular e-mail. Trust me.
Baby, It's Cold Inside,
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