Thursday, June 4, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 1:27 am
Subject: Fwd:

This is copy of an e-mail that I sent to my beautiful and intelligent 9 year old niece.
Dear Readers, Does this constitute a regular e-mail?
-----Original Message-----
To: Sent: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 3:43 pm

         Dear Alexa,
         I realize that you are a busy young lady but you should have responded to my e-mail. A big shot assemblyman
was rude to me. I taught him the things that Damon is learning from one of his books!
         I was thinking. It's dangerous when Uncle Rick does that! I think that this is safe: space shuttle; there are four
of them; they all have the same first and middle names but different last names but they're all in the same family;
isn't that strange? Everyone in your family has different first names but the same last name. The last name of one
of the space shuttles is Atlantis. It's full name is: Space Shuttle Atlantis. NASA - the space program - has been
strange since the beginning. When I was your age the first spaceship to fly people was Mercury (it was
named after the planet. You might have a classmate who was named after someone like pipe. No, people aren't
named pipe. He might have been named after his father or uncle). Mercury was the first name but they had different
last manes like: Mercury Freedom 7.
        I have to get back to work.
                                                                                                 I'll see you aboard Orion,                     
                                                                                                 Uncle Rick

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