Sunday, July 19, 2009


EDITOR's NOTE:; home page - type in: evolution of NASA spacesuits; take it from there.

          Dear Alexa and Katlin,
          Rules: you can only pick one not one of each: Spacecraft or rocket or spacesuit. I'm Apollo (the sun god).
Think carefully about you choice. Apollo and I belong together. I think A & K will fly with Orion. They can make a
tentative (tentative means temporary not final) choice until they have seen all of the contestants. I think Alexa's
mommy and daddy and Katlin's mommy and daddy should go with Gemini. Let's see how smart you are: Why would Gemini be a good choice for them. This is an astronaut test for Alexa and Katlin. Uncle Steve picks Atlas because he's muscular from lifting weights. He's in astronaut training.
         Did you know that Mercury, Gemini and Apollo landed on water while the Space Shuttle lands on land.
                                                                                                                            Yours in Space,
                                                                                                                             Uncle rickcosmos
P.S. My nieces name might appear on rickcosmos. Your friends will be very jealous!

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