Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fwd: Rickcosmos is not known for brevity!.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Feb 2, 2010 4:.

Alexa, lets pretend that mass and weight are the same thing. The earth has more mass then the moon
that's why the moon orbits the earth and the earth doesn't orbit the moon. The more mass that an object has the more gravity it has. Gravity is an invisible force (Topper knows a lot about it.)The earth pulls you
down stronger then if you were on the moon. Gravity determines weight. You weight more on
earth then on moon (we are pretending mass and weight are the same thing). If you drop something
on earth like a glass of milk, your mother hollers at you. Things fall slower on the moon. Maybe, you
can catch it before your mother yells!
The earth is a planet and orbits a star. There are planets that orbit other stars. What if a planet had
intelligent life like humans. It will mostly be made out of water and carbon like us. Would it like us? It might look like monster but have things that resemble what we have. You would look at it and say: "Those
looks like eyes" and "I wonder if he uses that body part like a hand" and " I think that his brain might be
inside that body part."
The planet can't be to big (where pretending that mass and size are the same): the air would crush it
and gravity would pin it against the ground - it wouldn't be able to lift itself up or even move - -
it wouldn't be able to search for water and food. It would be alright if it were a little bigger then the earth
then the intelligent life on that planet would be short and squatty. If it were just a little small then the 
life would be tall and thin. Can you figure out the reason?
Venus is just a little smaller then the earth but it's air is poisonous.
There is something else for there to be intelligent life on a planet it has to be the right size, have the
right kind of air - - and be at the right distance from it's star, otherwise, it would be too hot or too cold to

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