Saturday, February 13, 2010


Most of us aren't aware of it but NASA is in our home, car, office, factory and more. NASA is unique. While
other government programs focus on just their are of responsibility, NASA does the self-same thing but in the
process there are numerous collateral benefits to numerous other areas from it's pure and applied science
projects, as well as, spin offs and applications. It is imperative that NASA while still extremely necessary to so
many fields once again becomes the main scientific/technological engine of our economy. Further, Obama's
decision not to replacing the aging space shuttle fleet means - do you relish the idea - that we will have to beg
and pay Russia to carry our astronauts to the so-called International Space Station for which we footed most of
the bill!
In older posts, (less then a month old) please read: "Richard DePersio responds to question from his nine year
old niece: "Do you think that there is life elsewhere in in universe?" with: "R.D. responds to question from his
niece"; "Rickcosmos is not Known for his brevity!"; "Rick Always has Time for His Nieces."

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