Wednesday, June 22, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 22, 2011 5:52 pm

                                                  MORE READER'S CHOICE
                          Citizen Journalist (Your Presidential Candidate)
          -Richard DePersio (Keystone)-George Kirby (Topper's Spirited Friend)
What are your choices? Don't be lazy: return to 1 Don't collect $200; we are economizing,
                                           campaigns are expensive
GK: "You deficit-ed all over the joint: fag." CJ: "Where do you get off proffering an
opinion, lesser." GK: "Public should see this side of you." RD: "He jest. He doesn't
think that everyone is his lesser; just the 5 billion people on earth. No; he has a lot
on his plate with campaign and all." GK: "Narcissism. Or, is it you. One coin, two sides."
RD: "Or, trinity: think on it."
Speaking of fags - Citizen Journalist confesses that he renounced nicotine and alcohol
cold turkey about three years ago and has Joyceline, Leon and ourselves to thank or to
As is our wont, we will open article proper with cosmos (which means world), we will then
deal with world. And, then, we will get directly to offending with truth instead of
our usual policy of springing it on the audience. We just can't wait to engage in our
       At the last presidential debate, CNN's John King requested that republican
contestants who favored continued funding of NASA to raise their hands. "Nobody," King
commented as the field stood silently with hands down!
       It is indeed a sad day for the few intelligent amongst us. Obama who learned science
from Al Gore canceled "Constellation" Program. Although, some republicans and fewer
democrats are making sure that the $9 billion investment in R & D doesn't go to waste
and will be utilized in future manned space flight efforts in spite of Obama!
      Recently, we pointed out in Updated "Action Chain Letter 4" at
group/newfederalism why Obama showed his ignorance in canceling "Constellation's
moon landing plans: it would have gone a long way toward solving our energy crisis.
We are running for republican nomination and our republican colleagues for the
nomination appear to be hopeless and appear to lack neocortexes: callow sciolists.
Time to educate most Americans, including, the president and people like Romney.
We recently pointed out - it might have been in last article, too lazy to check - that NASA
has been completely or partially responsible for over 30,000 discoveries and inventions
since its inception in 1958! We recommend - if you have brains - that you visit
for info on Space Shuttle pure and applied science (the latter meaning technology,
applications, spin-offs).
       "The Handy Science Answer Book" (Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 1994): "What are
the ten outstanding engineering achievements of the last 25 years according to "The
National Academy of Engineering" - 1) Moon Landing, 2) Application Satellites, 3)
Microprocessors, 4) Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, 5) CAT Scan, 6) Advanced
Composite Materials, 7) Jumbo Jets, 8) Lasers, 9) Fiber-Optic Communication, 10)
Genetically Engineered Products.
       Obama where were you educated or should we say: In which institutes of learning were
you liberally indoctrinated!?! Here's something that you obviously didn't learn: NASA
played a role in the other 9!
It's time to offend with the truth...Recently, we were watching "Our Families, Ourselves"
Topic: Singlehood. They pointed out that older black males were the most likely group
to end up isolated. While Asians and Hispanics were the most likely to be part of
extended families. Whites were most likely to consider 'living together' before
marriage as a 'trial marriage' (by the way, studies have shown that couples that 'live
together' prior to marriage are more likely to get divorced than couples which didn't).
While blacks and Hispanics would consider it a substitute for marriage. Since this series
is produced by the liberal-biased City University of New York, it is understandable that
they would stop there. If truth be told, we won't! They do it to be eligible for social
services or additional social services. When social worker comes around the man? hides
or is conveniently not home. Why are states in fiscal trouble? This is a big reason. More
liberal states are in big trouble than conservative ones. Why? The latter are stricter
as regards enrollment in social programs. Lib-dem politicians want to get as many
people on social services as possible, keep them on social services for as long as
possible and give them more than they should receive. Why? The vast majority of the
non-working and working poor, as well as, the majority of the lower middle class vote
democrat! So what if they zap people's pride and incentive to work: old protestant work
ethic. Prior to 1960's, people were adverse to receiving hand-outs. Since then libs
have been convincing them that it is their due, they deserve it! Parasites!!! (Except for the
truly disabled).
An A.D.D.ed break sponsored by Adderall and 'funny' cigs: Which scientific discoveries
were made accidentally? Some accidental discoveries include velcro, penicillin, x-rays,
dynamite, vulcanization of rubber, rayon, saccharin and the discovery of iodine and
Why is it that a majority of psychologists ("Thank you, Topper, for reminding us that we
left a loose end at the end of our last article." By the way, Topper is the Manager of
Hugh R. Stupido Citibank of Limp-of-Wrist San Francisco) maintain that fetishes are
largely the result of environment. For example; child watches baby-sitter apply polish
to toes and wonders what feet smell and feel like; he becomes obsessed with thinking
about it and becomes a young adult with a foot fetish. Yet, they think homo is
biological (bad mutations). Most libs think, most psychologists are libs, that you can
be born with a strong homo or criminal or nasty or greedy, etc.gene and, therefore,
likely to grow up to have that characteristic (making excuses for bad behavior). Aren't
psychologist being inconsistent?
      We saw two textbooks published in the 1970's: one on early childhood development,
the other on abnormal psychology (of course, today psychologist and psychiatrists don't
consider anything abnormal except on a casa-by-case basis. So if you go to a psycho
and say, "I like to wear women's clothes, I'm concerned about my smoking problem."
He will get upset and say: "It may take weeks or months, even years of therapy but you must
commit to puffing out your problem!). The one on 'early' stated that it was a bad idea for
girls and boys pre-teen to play on the same little league baseball team. Explaining that
prior to age 10, little boys and girls on average of same height and strength; 10 to 14,
average girl taller and stronger and might out-perform boys (boys would win fight because
of aggression factor - kids, aggression and testerone-factor pre-teens). It might damage male
egos early in life and be shattering for the girl - ego-deflating - for after 14 average male
much stronger and taller than average female. The one on 'abnormal' classified homo as
abnormal. In early '80's. they were singing a different tune: homo was normal but alternate
lifestyle; nothing wrong with little vaginas on a penis ball team. What a difference a
few years makes. What happened!?! Psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers dropped
decades of research at the lib alter in left field: pressure from feminist and gay, especially,
lobbying groups. We lost all respect for these fields. They have the nerve to use the
term social 'science.' Politics.
If truth be told - we are condemned to tell no other...The Founding Father's wanted State
Militias and Citizens bearing arms. Today, we have the National Guard in every state not the
same as a militia for the president controls guard - he can send members to overseas
military operations to serve in support capacity and governors control guard - they can
call upon it for emergencies such as civil unrest, earthquakes, etc. State militias were only
under governors' control and could only be turned over to fed gov if governor approved.
Our Fathers wanted states and citizens to have weapons for revolution - if fed gov
became tyrannical, dictatorial, violated constitution, including, state powers and people's
rights. To think that our Founders would have wanted members of state militias or
citizens to register their guns is absurd! A king or a dictator would know where to find
and confiscate them: the right to revolution denied!
Let's end on a pleasant note:
                               "Death alone reveals how small are men's poor bodies."
                                                                  -Juvenal, A.D. 60-130

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