Monday, June 13, 2011

Fwd: UPDATE: Fast Forward Future/Rewind Roswell-Supplement (New Expanded Version)...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Apr 5, 2011 7:59 pm
Subject: UPDATE: Fast Forward Future/Rewind Roswell-Supplement (New Expanded Version)...

UPDATE: Action Chain Letter 8: Fast Forward Future/Rewind Roswell-Supplement (Expanded Version)
                                         by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist
    (Action Chain Letter 8 at and /group/rickcosmos-eclectic)
                                "The man worthy of praise the Muse forbids to die."
                                 -Horace, 65-8 B.C. anticipated C.R. who in turn anticipated:
(Pat on one's own back as he soaks up accolades and applause at 'secret' comsat)
       (Self-taught - since age 13, strange kid - Economist of the stellar {also owns a background in
astronomy and space science} prescient variety)
       1) First estimated over three months ago in "Action Chain Letter" and reiterated in most recent
'ATL' that a minimum spending reduction of $5 trillion was necessitated and dictated and
supplied justification. Now, House Republicans are proposing debt reduction of $6 trillion;
       2) First proposed one month ago and 'stuttered' in 'ACF 8' that Medicaid and Medicare
should be completely privatized after a chunk of the $40 billion in waste and fraud was
eliminated. House Repubs are proposing partial privatization of M & M.;
       3) Calculated for the first time a month ago that real inflation was 20%. Now more
and more 'professional' economists are coming to share that view.
Stop...Please stop the applause...Stop, there is more:
       A) We began stating about a year and a half ago in articles and more recently in 'ACLs'
that we shouldn't allow $8 billion invested in "Constellation" Program go down the
same presidential black hole as stimulus and cash-for-clunkers taxpayer money. We
encouraged our readers to contact member of congress in this regard. Recently, the
Chairman of the House (90% certain House; no one is perfect), (www.)
gov/public and member stated that Obama was in
violation of the law (what else is new) for Authorization Bill FY2011 and FY2012 called
for a new SPL (Space Launch System) and MPCV (Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle) for
space exploration. It dictated that it should built on technologies and capabilities of
Space Shuttle Program and 'canceled' (but still receiving funding) Constellation R & D
(in spite of Obama!). Not only did this approach make sense (and we were one of
the first  championing it; most of the credit should go to readers who contacted
congress; displaying a modicum of modesty at this junction) but it would enable
continuity to NASA's skilled engineers and technicians, further, avoid massive
lay-offs at the space agency. It would mean uninterrupted progress toward SPL and
MPCV. Bills called for modifying and extending Constellation contracts to utilize
existing workforce and assets at areopace companies, further, avoid massive
lay-offs. This would limit change to the industrial base and workforce - put another
way: the GREAT NASA TEAM!!! Obama violates Intent of Congress when he
budgeted a paltry $1.2 billion for SPL and MPCV and claimed contrary to law
that their couldn't be a deep space mission in this decade. He should have
allocated $2.5 billion to be in compliance (See below and for greater detail
'ACLs' as to why NASA should be one of the few fed entities to be spared
the debt reduction axe). Just remember this: NASA's prime directive: manned
space flight; secondarily: the countless collateral benefits. We have
recommended and now members of congress are talking about diverting
funds from the bogus study of a run-a-way greenhouse effect causing global
warming by NASA (all or most of the $1 billion) to the prime directive and
(all or most of the $1.2 billion in grants or subsidies - EVIL! - companies like
SpaceX - we won't enjoy the dividends!; capitalism: worthwhile business ventures
will attract investors) to said directive. Speaking of damn subsidies...
      B) To date A.T.K. has received over $1 billion to develop Ares 1 with
NASA which was to be operational by 2014 but pushed back to 2016 and
then 'canceled' by Obama but still getting funds wants to built a new
version and claims that it can be ready by 2015. They are requesting a
subsidy in lieu of a contract. We have been proposing for a long time
(See 'ACLs' and other articles) reasons to end all subsidies in order to
reduce the debt, it doesn't allow free-market forces to operate and unfair
to taxpayers. They have angered us! They might have gotten an
extended but modified contract. No A.T.K. subsidy!
Applause may resume.
We stated at the top of the year that our registration was Republican since
age 18 and that we would seriously consider departing GOP if it didn't
get serious about debt reduction and avoiding an impending
economic/financial crisis like this nation has never seen. We are
tentatively pleased. We are tough. We have not rendered a final decision
with respect to registration at this juncture.
BONUS or NEGATIVE BONUS: We have spent $17 trillion on the war
on poverty since the mid-60s and poverty-level has remained the same.
The liberal way like in education: Throw good money after bad! Reduce
funding big-time, reorganize programs to make more efficient, effective
and productive. Eliminate programs that are failing. End culture of dependency.
Obama has weakened the successful workfare program! New approach.
Details forthcoming. More bang for the buck!!!

Sent: Sun, Apr 3, 2011 11:22 am
Subject: Fast Forward Future/Rewind Roswell-Supplement (New Expanded Version)...

                        Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist
We regret to inform you that you now have to pay a toll at the Einstein/Rosen
Bridge en route to all of our comsats (websites and group sites).
Important info at conclusion.
Action Chain Letter 8:
Correction One: United States Gold Bullion Depository not 'National.'
Correction Two: Article Proper, Paragraph Two: ...enable employers to
pay more of the cost of healthcare and enable more small- and medium-sized
employers to insure their employees.
The Unites States Gold Bullion Depository at its peak housed over $900 billion
worth of gold bars; it presently holds over $206 billion. This is 2.39x our nearest
competitor: Germany. Numerous factors determine a nation's worth. The
wealthiest countries in order are: U.S., China, Japan, U.K., Germany. Last
year China replaced Japan for second place.
We have 2.5% of all the gold refined in world history. It is a real asset while
cash, stocks, etc. represent 'real' assets. It is disconcerting to realize that a
buck was backed by 40 cents worth of gold in 1913 and is only backed by
3/4 of a penny today! Technically, we stopped claiming that our money was
backed by gold in 1972. No problem: we were the United States. Today: problem;
we face the possibility of losing our Triple A bond Rating within 10 years and
suffering third-world status within 20 if we keep printing money and borrowing
money, especially, from China. Suffer big cuts now or bigger cuts later. Now, we
can still determine size of cuts (it better be big) and where to cut. Failure to
handle situation properly and within 10 years, China will dictate size and where.
You don't think so? The EU bailed out Spain and Ireland with loans, Germany
is the member with the largest amount of readily available assets, it dictated
terms of EU loans: where and how much and over what period of time these
countries have to make cuts, as well as, the terms for paying back the loans.
Our very sovereignty is at stake! How long do you think that China will just
except the interest and nothing toward the principal on U.S. Savings Bonds
as the value of the dollar continues it precipitous fall?
Proposal 45: (original) Increase the amount of gold - our principle real asset -
by between $15 and $25 billion over 30 years as one way to restore world-wide
faith/confidence (which has begun to waiver with talk of no longer basing the currencies
of the world on the U.S. $) in our economic/financial systems and our wealth.
We reiterate previous original proposals: we must cut spending in real terms by at                                                                                                                                                                         least $300 billion and reduce growth by at least $200 billion (cuts and reductions)                                                                                                                                                                          for fiscal 2012 ($5 trillion over 10 years); privatize Medicaid and Medicare (fraught with
$40 billion in waste and fraud annually - fed gov is incapable of cleaning bedpans only
filling them!).
We reinstate another original proposal: NASA which is the main scientific/technological
engine of our economy must be restored to the level that it enjoyed in the 1960s.
It is one of the few programs that deserves an increase in spending. NASA in our home,
car, office, farm, factory, hospital. It is the only gov entity that goes beyond its mandate
and benefits numerous fields ranging from astronomy to energy to engineering to
micro miniaturization to medicine to nanotechnology to materials science to zoology.
 (For abundant justification: see "Action Chain Letters' and Addendums at /group/nasa-our-way,
/group/rickcosmos-eclectic, /group/newfederalism; "Action Chain Letters 4 to 8
are better written then 1, 2, 3).
Proposal 46: (original): While virtually all fed gov departments must be cut in real terms
or experience a reduction in their annual growth (far more of the former than the latter), NASA
must see its budget grow from the $17 billion to $31 billion over 7 years followed by a
decrease to $25 over 5 years with full annual inflationary increases. After 12 years, NASA's
budget should be frozen at $25 billion for 10 years with no annual increase for inflation. This
will enable NASA to improve existing technologies and create new technologies on the
scale that it did back in the 1960s. It will stimulate all industries. Less you forget: We went
into detail in "Action Chain Letters" about energy - experts claim that we can get 20%
of our electricity from solar energy collectors on earth by 2030 and no more. NASA, moon
and earth orbit - we can get an additional 10% or more relatively inexpensively. NASA
would pave the way as part of overall exploration of the moon with the establishment
of a moon base (revive moon base - Obama is trying to kill it). NASA would develop the
technology while the private sector would then assume all of the cost for this relatively
inexpensive solar-to-electricity (moon-to-earth orbit-to-ground collectors) program. We
also talked about NASA programs regarding nuclear fusion for rockets which might be
applied to nuclear power plants on earth (we presently have fission plants: fusion would
be even safer and would generate more electricity at a lower cost). NASA is at its best
when it develops technologies for space exploration which industries later find earth-bound
Proposal 47 (original): Expand the scope of SATS program to components 3 and 4 (See
"Action Chain Letter 8").
Funny math...Obama claims that he will cut Medicaid and Medicare (we will believe
it when we see it) and is claiming that in so doing, he will subtract the savings from
the cost of Obama-care and from the deficit. Did you get it: he will subtract the
same sum of money from two places. He learned science from Al Gore and math
from a first grader.
Drill, baby, drill...As we previously stated, Obama approved loans to Mexican and
Brazilian Oil for he wants Americans to get more oil from those countries. Real
Americans want to get oil from American companies. They want stockholders to
make more money - money that they will spend, invest and save - - good for the
economy, good for all Americans. They want American oil companies to create jobs
in the good ol' U.S. of A. They want the price of oil to come down. We get oil from
many countries that are only semi-allies of U.S. and some of those profits end up
in the hands of terrorists. A large component in the price of oil comes from
shipping it from far off places. Oil would be cheaper like it was prior to the 1970s
if would got more of it domestically as part of energy independence. We heretofore
stated that we wanted to faze out subsidies to oil companies.We hate subsidies!
We also want to reduce the number of regulations and the severity of some
regulations on oil companies. We can still have the highest environmental
standards for drilling but a little less so. Strike a reasonable balance between
environmental concerns (hyped by liberals and U.N.) and profits/prices/job creation.
The crude oil that we use has gotten dirty after 112 million years. It goes to a
refinery where contaminates are removed, mostly sulfur, which is used in
making fertilizers, rubber tires, fire extinguishers, explosives amongst other things.
It is then refined to produce, gas, propane, diesel, jet fuel, motor oil, plastics, etc.
Further work on crude produces substance that are used in aspirin and other
medications, televisions, asphalt, cosmetics, lubricants for our machines and
our skin, nylon, toothpaste, paint and more. The price of all of these products
would come down if we were to get more oil in and around U.S. Oil is good. All
should be for oil. Oil was good to the "Beverly Hillbillies."
Tough apples...We don't owe Ingins a damn thing! If you can't protect your
property you deserve to loose. Look at historical precedent: for thousands of
years when one group conquered another group the vanquished were stripped of
ALL of their property, most of their women were raped and 99% of the men
were enslaved. Comparatively speaking, Indians faired well. Today, this ethnic
group gets more health and social services then any other ethnic group. Those
tribes are suffering from poverty. While those tribes that receive significantly less
from gov are prospering (we not talking just talking about the ones with casinos).
They know the meaning of the old Protestant work ethic. It is gov hand-outs out
of an unnecessary sense of guilt that is hurting the 'reds.' Stop teaching lies
in public schools. It was noble of the white man around a hundred years to
send Indians to special schools to learn American and European culture,
including, Christianity. Those that chose not to return to reservation after
attending the special schools and older Indians who didn't attend the schools
and left suffered discrimination by the children and grandchildren did
significantly better then their counter-parts on the reservations. We fail to
learn from history. It reminds us of WW1 and, even more so, WW2, we win and then we rebuilt
the countries that we defeated and turned them into economic powerhouses.
Americans just don't know how to win!
(Merrily, Merrily)...Prior to 1850s, newspapers consisted of commentary. A town of
less than 40,000 might have dozens of them. They were owned by the political
parties and by movements (advocacy groups: pro-slavery, anti-slavery; pro-international
trade, anti-international trade; pro-prohibition, anti-prohibition; pro-national bank,
anti-national; etc). The telegraph connected the nation in the 1830s and the railroad in
the late 1860s; the telegraph connected parts of Europe and U.S. in the 1850s; the
telephone the nation and the world by 1900. This meant that beginning in the 1850s,
one by one newspapers added local or local and regional or local and national or
local, national, world news to their pages...(Just A.D.D.-ing along).
Our blueprint for saving our nation - plus cutting taxes and reducing regulations. If
history is any indicator: America can rise to the biggest of challenges.
Do you like one or some or all of the proposals in the unorthodox "Action Chain Letters,'
Addendums and Supplements? Do something about. Stand up and be counted. Call
202-224-3121, supply the name of your state and city, receive the names and phone #s
of your two U.S. Senators and one Congressman. Phone and/or leave a message at
their website. You might also want to contact: Chairman, House Appropriations
Committee,  (www.), Chairman, House Sub-Committee for
Commerce-Justice-Science (what a combo; no wonder gov is screwed-up)
gov/public/, other house members: Bishop, Posey, Senate: (www.),
Shelby, Rubio (More: See "Actions Chain Letters" and Addendums).

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