PSYCHOANALYSIS:THE FIRST ANTI-AMERICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT Liberals want to tar-and-feather me; I want to say it while I still enjoy free speech (I already informed you that 'the one' has made a 1.75 billion opening down payment on the internet;
he is considered bailing out failing newspapers - most of the major ones are liberal biased-
in which he has a vested interest and that would make them beholden to him financially
and editorially: this would become his number one unconstitutional act - more on it later).
"It would be superfluous in me to point out
to your lordship that this is war."
-Charles Francis Adams dispatch
to Earl Russell, 1863
Some men are up to the challenge: Bush after 9/11; some men aren't up to the challenge:
obama after Fort Hill terrorist attack.
He prefaced his eulogy at the Fort Hood memorial by condemning white Americans treatment of
American Indians. An advisor should have informed him that the Indian wars are over. He had the wrong war: this is the war against terror which he doesn't consider a war but random acts
of a criminal nature. The same kind of Clinton mentality which led to 9/11.PC prevents him
from calling the tragedy at Fort Hood what it was.
Wars had been fought for thousands of years in which to the victor went the spoils:
he took the land and riches from, enslaved the men and raped the women of the defeated.
Leave it to the Americans to screw up tradition: we took their riches but not quite all their land;
we put most of them on rat-infested, poverty stricken land that they could call their own; no
enslavement and only isolated cases of rape; we made them U.S. citizens and allowed them
to retain membership in their tribes and have a local government; many of their young were
mistreated in special schools where they were taught American culture: English, law, dress,
art, music and Christianity. Those that chose not to live on the reservation faired better then
those that did. Today, reservations are prospering due to casinos and tax-free mail
order cigarettes and medication. Granted much goes to the Indian version of the Mafia but
all the Indians are prospering to one degree or another. As far as those who leave the
reservation or who were never on one and in many cases their parents weren't, they no
longer face discrimination .Liberals think that it was wrong then and think that it is wrong now
to Americanize immigrants. So they actually hold back Hispanics or Latinos (whichever you
choose to call them by having far too many years of bi-lingual education. You can if you chose
practice your culture in private or in public on special occasions - period. Do we want a situation like that suffered in Western Europe, especially, France where subhuman muslims take over a town or neighborhood and force their culture on it and enforce Shia law instead of the law of the host country for which they became a citizen such as French Law. Multi-culturalism uncurbed and unchecked is a bad thing. Sooner or later, they were bound to be conquered if not by the Europeans by the Asians.They had valuable resources which they failed to defend: they lost! This isn't what our
children are being taught in public school. They are learning liberal, revisionist American
history - the kind that obama was taught. It began in the mid-1960s and had spread to all
public schools by the 1980s, Your children are being taught by the radical youth from the mid-1960s to the early 1970s or by those who were taught be them including lies about the
Founding Fathers and religion, constitution and so much more!
He should have talked about that muslim dog that it took a long time to stop because
most soldiers on military bases in theU .S. aren't allowed to carry guns nowadays - bases are
largely protected by the local police department or sheriff's office - and now the terrorists
know it - - this writer just found out about it.
The muslim scum was psychologically administering to our soldiers while SPEAKING AND WRITING ON BEHALF OF JIHAD.. Liberal PC has come to the military. The police and the military should racial profile. The muslim pig should have been placed in front of a firing squad months ago (I think that the Military police can carry weapons are other soldiers when drilling).
We are all familiar with liberal PC. Three-star General Jerry Boykin was forced to end
his military career prematurely a few months ago for TALKING ABOUT A LOVING JESUS WHILE IN UNIFORM!!!
obama travels the country and the world apologizing for America's past and knocking
present-day America. He holds the distinction of being the first president to do so.
" What hangs the unfortunate
circumstance of guilt."
-rRobert Louis Stevenson, 1889
"Never make a defence or apology before
you be accused."
-King Charles 1, 1636
He has no right speaking for this writer for he makes no apologies for his ancestors (even when, they did do wrong for he didn't do it). This columnist only speaks of the greatest of his
country's greatness past and not so much present. Why doesn't he speak about the
facts that follow: America has freed and protected more countries then all the other
nations of the world combined and the American government and the American people
per capita give more humanitarian aid to third-world and developing nations then all the
member nations of the U.N. combined.
"There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in
this country. There is room here for only
100 per cent Americanism, only for those who
Americans and nothing else."
-President Theodore Roosevelt
This is a two-for: it applies equally well to obama and his wife (last year, she stated,
"for the first time in my life, I'm proud to be an American"; no true American should
recognize her as First Lady!).
He is anti: big business; cooperate executives; stockholders; small- and medium-sized
business; non-unionized workers; free speech: attack on Fox, plans to end conservative
talk radio and plan to bail out liberal newspapers.
He is pro: union bosses and union workers; taxes; government ownership and control of the private and financial sectors; big spending; interference in the daily lives of citizens when it comes to free choice; forcing things on people that they don't want.
"When the government fears the people that's
liberty; when the people fear the government
that's tyranny."
-President Tom Jefferson