Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fwd: addendum


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 9:06 pm
Subject: addendum

Self - you are the product of everything you learned in the order that you learned it; you are the product of everything you experienced in the order that you experienced it; and you are the product of everyone you have known - especially your parents when it comes to personality and moral code. Genetics is too simple in comparison.
        You shed skin like a dog and in less then a year you have a new layer of skin but you are still
you. Enduring Self means memories. You can't tell a judge: I'm a new man; just examine my skin!
Amnesia and dementia represent loss of self. Occasional forgetfulness or the fact that are
memorizes aren't as good the older we get is insignificant. Not acceptable in a courtroom! Memories
decline with age and most of us change little after young adulthood (ages 20 to 30);we become set in our ways. We can grow educationally  and  become wiser. It's the reason rehabilitation (liberals
love it) is much less effective the older the person gets. 
       Cultural Self...Believe it or not, the first civilization (culture) formed in Mesopotamia which is part of modern-day Iraq. Individualism is good at the right time and the right place. They refer to today's
Army as an Army of one. Baloney except for special forces and even their a degree of cooperation
and coordination is necessitated. You have caos not society if everyone does their own thing. The
individual who is too individualistic is categorized as anti-social and potentially dangerous. Self to
Bigger Self. It varies from country to country and ethnic group to ethnic group and race to race - this
thing called culture. And, it's imperative that country reigns supreme. Some of us think only
in terms of self - unhealthy - or self and family and friends (and neighborhood or town in some cases) - better- -self, family, friends, neighborhood and country - best. There are still places where parents feel that their sole responsibility is to raise child to work and where adult members of same family aren't close.
       You can't always travel less traveled road or path or you'll find yourself doing little
traveling within the confines of a jail cell for we are a product of society too! Minority rule as in the case of a dictator and his entourage that surrounds him is abborant to Americans
- it's not our culture but presently we have minority rule (liberal). The Bill of Rights is
complete and shouldn't be misinterpreted or modified or added to or subtracted from except
through a constitutional amendment and not by a minority that is in control( liberals). Under
normal circumstances the majority can't deny any of the Bill of Rights to the minority point-of-
view. (it's one of the reason that we are a republic not a democracy. The Founding Daddies
made it clear: first - Bill of Rights; Second - majority rule; third - Bible. It doesn't mean minority can't be inconvenienced. Senior citizen club - partly funded by government - - - so what; separation of church and state is a liberal myth. Listen to gospel music on Mondays. One hundred members only two of which are Jews. Jews went to court. Liberal judge banned gospel music on Mondays. A constructionist judge would have said that friends shouldn't take friends to court and should have resolved issue in private. If forced to rule, he would have: told Jews to stay home on Mondays or go to another club on that day or ask your
friends to play a record of a Jewish cantor once in awhile. The Bill of Rights would not have been violated - this is how things are suppose to be handled in our culture.
        A culture amongst other things has a system of beliefs and a need for long-time and
new members to acclimate to cultural norms. Homosexuality is immoral according to the
Bible and abnormal according to evolution and unnatural according to a majority in our
culture. Keep it private or you have no right to complain of being victims of verbal and/or
physical teasing . When you live in a country, it's imperative that you except the laws,
customs, traditions, etc. of that country (practice the aspects of your fatherland in private
and learn the language! Their are many Latinos or Hispanics (whichever term that you
prefer) who don't understand that and some go so far as to form the most dangerous gangs
in our nation. And, look at Muslims in parts of Europe, especially, France where they
want Muslim law in their neighborhoods, won't learn the language, cause riots, etc.
        Your non-physical traits come from learning, experience, those whom you know
and from your culture at large. Astronomers and physicists talk in terms of dark energy
and dark matter - presently they don't have the equipment to detect directly and probably
never will. They can measure it's effects, for example, stars on the outskirts of our galaxy
are moving as fast as those nearer the center (Neptune orbits the sun more slowly then
Mercury) are they violating Newton's Laws? No; if you postulate a different type of matter
and energy.
         Mind: matter/energy; particle/wave; matter/anti-matter; regular matter-energy/different
matter-energy; mind/brain    - different forms of the same thing - - - one can become the
other. Matter can be converted in to energy and vicaversa; why can't a thought or a
personality trait be converted into neuron-synapse-neuron connection instead being born with it - and consciousness too.
         The Mind/Body Question has been debated since Plato. Notice: I avoided bringing
soul or spirit into the discussion! NOTA BENE': THE ADDENDUM HAS BECOME  AS LONG AS THE ARTICLE PROPER!!!

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