-----Original Message-----
From: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Fri, Sep 25, 2009 12:35 am
Good thing good old GOOGLE caught it. I was spamned and locked. A quick phone call to
F. Lee Bailey took care of that toot sweet. It uncertain as to how many hours or days they did their
dastardly deed. The ransom demand: They wanted my two favorite body parts!
They culprits were Canadian. Didn't those from the north read what is written in the rectangle
on the top of the page. How cruel could you be? The un professionals were Patrick Nadin and
Henrietta Dotson with "Association of Faculties of Pharmacy." President Bush had stopped them there
Canadians from selling their medications in the U.S. via the Internet even though in some cases
they are cheaper (I mean that both ways!). Their Food and Drug Administration isn't as strict as ours.
The president temporarily thwarted that threat.
President Obama wants us to have inferior socialized medicine like Canada despite his
denials. Medicaid and Medicare are trillions of dollars in debt and fraught with billions of dollars of
fraud and he wants the federal government to have greater control of your health care!
The Union of Socialist Secular States of America. Only a few knew. They figured it out over the
last twenty-five years or so. The revelation came to this writer in the mid-'90s. They wanted to replace
the Founding Father's Federalist/Constructionist Constitution predicated on Judeo-Christian principles
and classic liberal market economics (don't faint: it later became known as capitalism; liberal came
to mean nearly the opposite) with the so-called Progressive 'living' Constitution and add FDR's
Bill of Rights to the existing Bill of Rights (this was part of the progressive movement which
became liberalism in the '50s.
It went full throttle in the sixties: the first and biggest teacher's union formed; Johnson's "Great
Society" programs; the birth of the modern women's movement; the drug culture; the sexual
revolution. Vice President Agnew said in 1970 that the media was liberal-biased. It took this writer
a few years to figure out what he meant. Rickcosmos was a strange kid: he watched the T.V. news;
read the newspaper - not the sports and comics; attended meetings at the local Republican club -
the only kid there. The media was subtle about it. Newspapers slowly became more overt in the
mid-90s and T.V. in 2oo4 and they were practically part of the Obama campaign last year - the
so called mainstream media.
I trace the genesis to the sixties. Liberals began the process of gaining firm control of the following:
the T.V. industry; the music industry; the movie industry; the major newspapers; public elementary
schools; public high schools; public colleges - they already had most private colleges. There were
two other obstacles: the 'living' Founding Father's and Christianity. The began lowering their prestige
in the media and public schools - slowly at first and big time later. They had a field day with
Thomas Jefferson in 1998 claiming that he fathered a child with a black slave, Two years later, it
was realized that it was probably his nephew. The media hardly said anything about it. I bet
that most Americans still believe what turned out to be a lie. In the early '80s there were a couple
of reports about misbehaving priests - the media barely covered it. They were still a afraid of
the Catholic Church - not so a few years ago when the Church did do itself what liberals wanted to do -
discredit Christianity even though 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christians (only 20%
as liberals). The ACLU believe everyone has freedom of speech rights except Christians.
Muslims even terrorists according to Obama have all the rights of American citizens. The media
is turning it into a joke.
They couldn't do it when Carter was President or Clinton because they hadn't fully realized
their aforementioned goals. It's iffy if they could have done it if Carey were elected. Our children are
being indoctrinated. They can't exercise cognitive, analytical, critical thinking that comes with
being taught only one side of issues and not just in history and economics but believe it or not
subjects like math!
In 2004, they gained control of Congress and this year the White House. The Senate
Majority Leader said that he would employ the so-called 'nuclear' option to get 'Obama's agenda
approved in spite of a majority of American rejected the Obama plan. A few years ago, Republicans
considered the nuclear option but curb themselves on constitutional grounds. Obama has violated
the Constitution 3 times and bankruptcy law 4 times. It was a master plan. Wake up, America
the 'living' Constitution is here. Tip your hats to the liberals who will be running all aspects
of our lives - their plan was brilliant. Your all GREEN now - I'm in exile in my own country.
A few months ago, the U.S. Supreme Court bowed at the Obama alter and burnt 230 years of
corporate/bankruptcy law as a sacrifice. If they use the nuclear' option, they can't be stopped
or undone after 4 years time. The U.S. Supreme Court made it's first ruling against Christians
in the early '30s and began diminishing the sanctity of marriage in the early '70s
If only more Americans had been aware of their master plan, They are just beginning
to wake-up. Is it too late, Comrades!?
The six major studies on 'global warming in the past ten years, five indicate that little or
no 'global warming' is taking place. Two conducted by the reputable NASA team. Lousy,
Little, Lying Liberals (it's my favorite alliteration - I copywrited it!). Two months ago, Congress
was debating cap-and-trade a.k.a. let's make Al Gore richer. NASA had completed it's
second 10 year study on 'global warming'. The most open and transparent administration had it
suppressed until recently. An anecdote: One month ago, I was telling my 8 year old niece the
truth about 'global warming (my background being in science). She interrupted me
and said: don't you mean 'climate change'? A few weeks earlier, the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee had instructed democratic politicians to stop using the term 'global warming'
and replace it with 'climate change.' because it was becoming trite and a majority of Americans were no longer buying it. This marketing not science! It's all nonsense. I guess that he doesn't only send memos
to democratic politicians but public elementary school principals too! Don't let them paint you
green - demand energy independence coupled with a scientific concern for the environment.
Is it to late, comrades!?
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