Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fwd: TRUMVIRATE...continued

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Jul 18, 2009 9:10 pm
Subject: TRUMVIRATE...continued

          A olanned or command or communist or fascist (ala Nazism) is one thing in theory and another in practice.
Karl Marx believed that a nation should evolve from capitalism to socialism to communism. He stated, "...resources
will flow from everyone according to their capabilities to everyone according to their needs." He envisioned a class-
less society that is to say one in which everyone is mid-middle class and thgat government would wither away over
          People harbor the misconception that commnunism is to the left of liberalism and that faxcism is to the right
of conservatism. In reality, there is one differece between the two. Communism: the government owns everything:
the land, the houses, the stores, the businesses, the factories and the farms --- and the government controls
everything (just for awhile in theory). In fascism insividuals and groups own most everything --- and the government contrlls everyything. The goverment manages the means of and distribution of production - goods and services.
Wage and price controls exist every day of the year. There is no incentive to do more work then you are requirred to do because your boss has motr work then you but earns little more then you do and boneses are rare abd snall.
Consequently the quality of goo9ds and services are shoddy and inferior. There is a one-party system and if for some reason you want the meagfer raise that comeas with a p0romotion, yhou do0n't det ot via hard work but by kissing
up to the local communist partyy boss. Alcholism is skyhigh. There are long lines at stores. There is littrle
variety. Sgortages aboubd. The final dose of miseryy: taxes are skhyy high.
          What about everyobe being mid-middle class? No one is super-rich or mid0middle class; 15% of the
popu;ation is rich or upper middle class and 85% is loer middkeclass, working poot or non-workiung poor. B the
way, Health care is pf poor quality and run by the government. Social prpgrams are large and
widespread and their existance along with pauper's prisons are denied byyy the powers that be.

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