Wednesday, October 14, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:59 pm
Subject: BABYY WHALE AND JUMBO SHIMP.........Part Two

                                                        BABY WHALE

                                                         Where Am I?
Have I been transported to a parallel universe via the Einstein/Rosen bridge? England, Germany and France are
moving toward the right - capitalism while the U.S. moves toward the left - socialism. They have had decades of
socialism (including socialized medicine and an astronomically large number of regulation on the financial sector,
the commercial sector and individuals). Maybe, they've come to realize something that we should know!
          Liberals blame the economic/financial crisis on the BIG Reagan/Bush tax cuts (under Bush those who
earned less then 40,000 per year no longer had to pay federal income taxes) deregulation. Let's put their theory
(they consider it a fact like global warming!) under a microscope. Area One: big-time deregulation between 1981
and 1993; modest between 1993 and 2001; big-time between 2001 and 2009. Area Two: Big-time Reagan tax
cuts began in 1981; Bush the Father was tricked into moderate tax increases; Republican forced Clinton to undo
much of the tax increase; big time Bush tax cuts begin in 2001 and were expanded in 2002- like Reagan for the rich
and middle class. Area Three: prosperity from 1983 to 1992 (remember tax increase) followed by less then a year
of recession and less then a year of recovery.( I was remiss, Clinton increased taxes in 1994 and their would have been
a recession in this writer's opinion had it not been for the Republican tax cuts in 1996 and 1998; recession in
2000 and recovery in 2001 followed by prosperity - in spite of what the liberal media tells you - until 1998. Nearly 27
consecutive years of prosperity is unprecedented in U.S. history, perhaps, world history. The problem: spending - Bush increased debt by 3 trillion over 8 years and Obama will increase it by 8 to 25 trillion depending on how much of what he wants he gets. What do liberals want to do: increase taxes and regulations; what does most of Western Europe want to do: cut taxes and reduce regulations.Am I in the 5th dimension of the Twilight Zone!?

                                                       JUMBO SHRIMP
                                                   Blowing his own Horn

I choose not to lead with this story because I want to convince people that I am modest! Did I scoop Glenn
Beck again?! Recently, he presented a theory regarding a new-style of government that was been formed in
America - a type of oligarchy. Months earlier, I presented a similar theory. I proved it.
         On 10/6/09, her stated that Russia, France (I thought the new president was pro-U.S. and oil-producing
Arab nations led by China may be secretly planning to no longer bas world currency on U.S. dollar (which has
been the case since the end of WW1 - which we won - - - I'm stating that for the benefit of the public school
students of today!) which will further devalue the dollar which is worth nearly one-third less then it was 10 years
ago (one-third of that one-third reduction occurred since Obama became President).Obama and Congress are
devaluing dollar by going on a spending spree and the Federal Reserve Bank merrily keeps printing more money.
China is 'dumping' it's U.S. by invested in third-world countries purchasing things for a song. Glenn Beck suggests
that hyper-inflation is being created in U.S. which means we will be like a third-world nation wherein their dollar is 
virtually worthless and the President declares Marshal Law. Glenn Beck states chances of that happening are 
        I stated months ago that there was a remote chance hat the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (He is
over all U.S. military - only the civilian Defense Secretary outranks him - again, for benefit of public school students)
might declare Marshal law to undo Obama and congressional violations of constitutional law, corporate law and
bankruptcy law. In third-world (poor - I worry about public school kids at all levels) a military coup is usually
permanent. U.S. Soldiers love their country, they would restore Founding Father's Constitution and quickly
restore civilian control of government. Did I scoop Beck? Read:" Why Should You Read rickaddsite" and
"Triumvirate Backed by an oversized Oligarchy." Toot!

                                                          JUMBO SHRIMP
                                                    Mom, Flag and Apple Pie
                        For most southerners and many midwesterners: God, Guns and Gays (anti)
According to a study done by Frank Luntz, the top four most trusted professions in America (in order): 1) Moms
(my comment: being a successful mother and housewife are two of the most demanding and potentially rewarding
professions there are; liberals including feminists and the media look down on them); 2) Fireman; 3) Clergy; 4)
Pharmacists. You would know it from the liberal so-called mainstream media!
         Constitutional Americans and Mom's in particular your not alone which is what the liberals want you to think.
They either didn't cover Tea Parties or lied about them but the truth came out via the web. Who needs dinosaur like
NBC and the N.Y. Times. The Silent Majority is back and their roaring! 
         Your not alone. Please check out: (I'm not sure if www. is needed); www.marymbaker.blogspot.
com; Summit for Marriage, Family and Parenting located at Harrington University and headed by Linda Colon.
She on representatives of the aforementioned groups recently appeared on Glenn Beck (912 Project).  I also watch
Chris Mathews (to hear the opposition's side; only 20% of Americans identify themselves as liberals (I'm not
including moderate liberals who aren't quite as dangerous; the 20% control America). Of course, you must not forget
the Campaign for Liberty and the Alliance Defense Fund (they fight the American Civil Liberty Union who don't
support civil liberties for everyone and have some weird ideas about civil liberties that they want to exist).
         Your not alone: mom, dad and kids!

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