Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Mini-editorial: We spent $9 billion on "Constellation" Program. Obama wants to start
from scratch - down the same presidential black hole as the money for stimulus packages - - they will have more company! House want to retain more of "Constellation" then Senate. "Citizen Reporter" - save with modification. Read "YOU are CORDIALLY INVITED to a FUNERAL" at /group/rickcosmos-eclectic and first five posts at www.rickaddsite. blogspot.com FIRST TWO POSTS: Motivated in part by "Constellation" - "Constellation" will accelerate the R & D into nuclear propulsion and safe/clean/cost-efficient nuclear thermal power plants - energy independence. NASA was considering making such research part of "Constellation."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fwd: What's missing from the bold plans for human spaceflight

-----Original Message-----
From: rrdd3939@aol.com
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Thu, Aug 12, 2010 6:43 pm
Subject: What's missing from the bold plans for human spaceflight                                                           Editor's Note:
House Bill retains more of CONSTELLATION puts emphasis on Capsule and Rocket now 
and on Heavy-lifter later. Senate other way around. Best Plan: CITIZEN REPORTER; Second      Place: Bush Plan; Third Place: House Plan; Fourth Place: Senate; Last: Obama. Senate-version likely to win (All plans outlined here and at www.rickaddsite.blogspot.com.Easier to find at latte)r.Call and/or leave messages at websites  9 key members of Congress - info here and rickkaddsite - - tomorrow and every day next week.Shuttle must be extended for 2 to 4 years. Humiliation: America no way to get to space station for which it paid bulk of cost; Russia (whom we beat in Moon Race) has made it clear that they will taxi   astronauts for an astronomically   high price and on their timetable. We reiterate: House-version makes more sense but                  neither plan calls for more then 3 more shuttle flights.
   http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/07/AR2010080702494.html  --- This message was sent by rrdd3939@aol.com via http://addthis.com.  Please note  that AddThis does not verify email addresses.  Make sharing easier with the AddThis Toolbar:  http://www.addthis.com/go/toolbar-em