Wednesday, June 25, 2014

                           ORION PRESENTS
             7/2 EXPANDED - VERSION: THREE
         by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist
       (One floor down: "Thumbs Up: The Super-rich)
FOX NEWS ALERT: "The Greeks are coming!!! The Greeks
are coming!!! Over time, the gods and goddesses have
appeared at every comsat except this one. They have arrived:
to contribute not conquer. RD/CJ hopes!

        Is his ghost still laughing at southern fried humor; is
laughing making it impossible for him to find a final resting 
place? Former Senator 'What did the President know and 
when did he know it' Baker has died. He is best known as 
the co-chairman of the Senate Watergate Committee of '73...
or, should we say, Senate Watergate Circus!?! Most
journalists and historians are liberals, they considered the
committee to be a hallmark of the American Constitution and
look back at the committee's work fondly. We have a
different take. Rumor, gossip and second hand info was
elevated to the level of fact. Democrat Chairman Ervin didn't
take the investigation of a president respectfully and seriously.
Not only did he elevate but he continuously cracked lame
southern-style jokes to which his straight man Republican 
Baker responded with uproarious laughter. Now both
members of the political comedy team are dead and having 
pee-ed on Constitution are laughing their heads...make that
souls off in a graveyard!
        Is it constitutional for fed gov (federal government, this
for the benefit of the 15% of our foreign readers - translation
assistance) to: punish certain groups for the sake of other 
groups; be involved with contraception? 
       Under BO-care the rich, the middle-class, the healthy
 and the young are compelled to pay a lot more for healthcare 
for the sake of the poor, the sickly and the elderly. It's both
 unconstitutional and un-American and why we should have 
a flat tax. 
       It is claimed by the left that Republicans in general and 
conservatives in particular are anti-female for correctly
 believing that fed gov can not constitutionally justify 
involvement in contraceptives. Why should Americans be 
forced to pay for the contraception and morning-after pills of 
other Americans via healthcare or taxes? Libs (liberals for
we care about our foreigners) in general and unions in
particular object to the U.S, Supreme Court exempting family-
owned corporations from part of the requirement. They argue
that employees have a right to contraceptives and the abortion
polls. Less you forget, they believe that businesses of all 
sizes exist for the workers not the owners or stockholders or
       Orion: "Speaking of water." RD/CJ: "Whose speaking of 
water? Orion: "You will be. Thanks to my father the sea-god
Poseidon, I was given the gift of walking on water. Hey!
This might make for a good companion piece with
"Addendum to Addendum to Supplement" at As far as I know, CJ can't 
       Libs want to cordon off hundreds of thousands of square
miles of the Pacific Ocean because they think that Poseidon is
ill. Poseidon: "I'm doing fine. Thank you." It would be off
limits to fishing and oil drilling --- for U.S. companies not
other countries!
       It is reminiscent of their efforts to reduce so-called green
house gas emissions because they think that the sky is ill too.
Zeus: "I've never felt better and I enjoy being a part of the
comsat team."
       Even if BO/UN/Liberal science were valid, it wouldn't
accomplish a thing because  India and China are
dramatically increasing their carbon footprints manifold -
more than cancelling out these misguided efforts.
       What will it accomplish regarding factories and
oil/natural gas/coal industries: stockholders will make a
lot less (thank God for the one percent, one floor down),
millions of jobs won't be created and energy prices will
skyrocket over the next 15 years. Children in school are
being taught to be green --- why aren't they taught the
truth about being green!!!
        Libs love to feel good about themselves at the
 expense of everyone else.
        They've eliminated our number one position in space
technology and are threatening our number one position
in medical technology. All for our own good! Social
service hurts the recipient but is a source of great pride
to the leftest. They've presided over the downfall of the
American family.

Zeus: "Do you want me to smite them? RD/CJ: "Can you
be selective? Last time, you caused a Great Flood which
killed everyone except you allowed Poseidon to keep his
child and spouse alive on an ark. They would repopulate
 the earth." Zeus: "Perhaps, they can come down with
an illness: 'we-know-best-itis?
(There is much at this comsat, including, why regulatory
 laws are unconstitutional and why forced sterilization is
 part of lib's ugly past).

Saturday, May 31, 2014

                  THUMB UP: The SUPER-RICH and RICH/
                                         DUMB DOWN: BO CZARS
                        by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
(Expanded Version)

An Ode (sort of ode-style) to the rich
Blessed are the rich for they are the best
We should kneel at their alter for they are truly better than 
     the rest
Their feet we should caress
We are all less

They hurt us all, sadly the rich too, they are the BO czars
They belong behind bars,. behind bars, behind bars
They are meant to be hell bent against freedom,
      we lament, we lament, we lament

Lift a glass of cheer and say "three cheers for the blessed
      rich" that we adore
God be with them in their quest for more
They are so deserving it is true
Many are our Chosen People the Jew
                                               -Citizen 'Calliope' Journalist

      We thought everyone had forgotten about the BO
czars except us. We were heartened that they are part of
Judicial Watch's efforts to bring down the imperial
president. We made a contribution and all lovers of
liberty should do the self-same thing.
       They are involved with all aspects of government and
all aspects of our lives. Unseen they pull the strings in the
federal government. And, BO has a record number 44!!!
according to JW. We had thought that the disgraceful
 number was 41; we missed 3 of them entering the shadow!
 Only ten were confirmed by the U.S. Senate. These
positions were created by congress without a 
Constitutional Amendment (See "Dike Presents..." at ) This in 
spite of the fact that they aren't mentioned in U.S.
Constitution and 34 can't be held accountable by congress
or the media. They aren't required to answer questions
or talk about their actions to anyone but the Czar-in-
Chief BO! They've been around for less than a 100 years
with most presidents having between 0-3; Bush had 12.
The previous record holder was Franklin Roosevelt with
34. The presidents that did the most damage to America in
order were: BO; FDR; LBJ. The darlings of liberals. Two
of which had the largest number, thereby, creating the
longest shadows for shadow governments.
       BO has committed numerous constitutional crimes and
if these evil actions aren't undone before his scheduled
departure from the White House ( we hope that he is
tarred-and-feathered long before then!), we fear that the
next president, Democrat or Republican, will behave in the
same vein. Moderate Democrats, who are lovers of liberty,
 should seriously consider voting Republican in Senate
 races. Lib (liberal) Senate Majority Leader Reid won't act on
behalf of our Constitution.
        Who can forget the great unwashed! They were
anti-capitalists/anti-one percent demonstrators who wanted
taxpayers to foot the bill for their student loans having
majored in useless/impractical subjects or subjects which
necessitate more than a bachelors degree (which in some
cases could only result in teaching the useless subject
to a new generation of undergraduates) These majors
included: library science; women's studies; African-
American history; American literature; sociology; art
history; etc. They have no one to blame but themselves.
They can't blame their parents or college advisers for
common sense dictates that businesses and
institutions want people who majored in one of the
hard sciences or one of the fields of engineering or
accounting or business management or computer science.
(We must stop telling young...younger... people that
college is for everyone. They should search among the
vocational schools advertised on television for the ones
of quality and major in electronics, as well as, refrigeration
and air conditioning where there are many unfilled
openings. Your neighborhood or a neighborhood near you
might have a small quality school offering 12 sessions in
computer applications, EKG, phlebotomy, medical
assisting and more).
       The glorious 1% pay over 30% of the federal income
taxes while the top 10% pay over 60%. The vast majority
of Americans pay little, nothing or receive a small to
large return.
       They create the jobs by hiring people or investing in
stocks enabling business to create jobs. They pay the
bulk of the cost of failed social programs which encourage
perpetual government dependency. (Libs have a vested
interest in keeping the working and non-working poor on
social services for most of them vote democrat. Most
receive more than they should and are able to remain on
the dole for as long as they desire --- social workers to
appease lib politicians encourage this). Because of the
rich 60% to 95% (depending on the item) have BIG screen/
HD televisions with cable, cars, cell phones, microwaves, 
air conditioners, computers. Try telling that to the poor in 
other countries!  Americans are compassionate and want 
the truly needy to have necessities: food, clothes, shelter 
and medical care. Libs have a totally different perspective 
when it comes to necessities! Secular and, even more so,
religious charities do a better job at helping the poor 
elderly and disabled. Non-government: hand-up/
government: hand-out. Sadly, non-gov doesn't have the 
resources of gov. Further, government programs are rife 
with waste and fraud. Before fed got involved with BIG-
time permanent social programs beginning in the '60s, 
people were more willing to hold down two jobs. People 
had pride. Only as a last resort would people turn to charity,
 or, family, friends or neighbors. People were independent.
Only in desperation would they turn to others, who were
willing to help for they knew that either their help would 
be paid back or person would be there if they became 
desperate Less we be negligent: don't forget how much
our wonderful BIG buck buddies donate to charities; so
what if they take advantage of deduction - it exists.
      Libs want taxpayers to pay to train the
unskilled or those whose occupations have disappeared
because of technology; neighborhood training schools
like those mentioned above cost about $500 --- let them 
forego cable for a few months!!!
       The great 1% and 10% get the best healthcare and
rightly so --- they pay for it! Thanks to them the
middle class and poor in America get better healthcare
than those living in other countries. That will change 
thanks to BO-care.
        We should cut taxes for everyone, especially, the
super-rich and the rich so that they can invest more
and make more as stockholders, enable more money for
 research and development --- and to create jobs!
Cutting their taxes will enable the filthy rich to get
filthier, at the same time, they pay more in taxes but won't
mind for they will be making more $$$. They'll pay more
dollar-wise but less %-wise. It will reduce the debt ---
the BIGgest crisis we face. Couple this with
deregulation and you have the makings of a vibrant
economy: BIGger profits and BIG-time job creation!!!

LET's ALL SING the ODE ABOVE. A one and a two...

(Posts here and at our other comsats aren't out-of-date and
contain valuable information and ideas, modesty aside! Enjoy
as we worked hard on them. )

Sunday, February 2, 2014

                            CONSTITUTIONAL CRIMINAL
                                      by Richard DePersio
There is the Federalist/Constructionist Constitution (real)
and the secular/liberal constitution (bogus). BO subscribes
to the latter and it is taught in public schools.
Now, conservatives and many moderates are alarmed that
BO is peeing on our cherished document. Welcome to the
club; better late then never. We sounded the alarm in
numerous posts, including, some here for quite some time.
We so enjoy being ahead of the curve and we so enjoy
patting ourselves on the back.
BO swears on the Bible to uphold the U.S. Constitution and
all the laws of the land. He had his Justice Department stop
defending the "Marriage Protection Act" nearly a year
before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against it. He enforces
only about half the immigration laws --- the ones that he
likes!!! Congress didn't approve of his so-called "Dream Act"
and "Cap-and-Trade, nonetheless, he is implementing BIG
chunks of them. He has made fundamental changes to his
abysmal signature act "Obama-Care" without a congressional
We have labelled him a Constitutional Criminal for three years.
Others are playing catch-up ball.
Executive Orders can clarify and interpret congressional law
but not change. Chief Executives can't enforce policies
contrary to congressional intent. And, since only Congress can
make laws, Executive Branch' regulatory laws are subject to
question (take elevator a few levels below). As well as,
lib Judges issuing judicial laws.
The House can't impeach BO without being accused of
racism; BO has much flexibility because he is dark. Perhaps,
the majority of the House can take him to court as an entity.
We fear the future presidents - Democrat and Republican
alike - will built on BO's precedent. BO has stripped
citizens, states and businesses of rights and powers. Hopefully.
the House and the Judiciary can reestablish Constitutional law.
We are heading toward non- and un-constitutional government!