Sunday, February 2, 2014

                            CONSTITUTIONAL CRIMINAL
                                      by Richard DePersio
There is the Federalist/Constructionist Constitution (real)
and the secular/liberal constitution (bogus). BO subscribes
to the latter and it is taught in public schools.
Now, conservatives and many moderates are alarmed that
BO is peeing on our cherished document. Welcome to the
club; better late then never. We sounded the alarm in
numerous posts, including, some here for quite some time.
We so enjoy being ahead of the curve and we so enjoy
patting ourselves on the back.
BO swears on the Bible to uphold the U.S. Constitution and
all the laws of the land. He had his Justice Department stop
defending the "Marriage Protection Act" nearly a year
before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against it. He enforces
only about half the immigration laws --- the ones that he
likes!!! Congress didn't approve of his so-called "Dream Act"
and "Cap-and-Trade, nonetheless, he is implementing BIG
chunks of them. He has made fundamental changes to his
abysmal signature act "Obama-Care" without a congressional
We have labelled him a Constitutional Criminal for three years.
Others are playing catch-up ball.
Executive Orders can clarify and interpret congressional law
but not change. Chief Executives can't enforce policies
contrary to congressional intent. And, since only Congress can
make laws, Executive Branch' regulatory laws are subject to
question (take elevator a few levels below). As well as,
lib Judges issuing judicial laws.
The House can't impeach BO without being accused of
racism; BO has much flexibility because he is dark. Perhaps,
the majority of the House can take him to court as an entity.
We fear the future presidents - Democrat and Republican
alike - will built on BO's precedent. BO has stripped
citizens, states and businesses of rights and powers. Hopefully.
the House and the Judiciary can reestablish Constitutional law.
We are heading toward non- and un-constitutional government!

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