Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fwd: What Will Crazy/Dangerous Libs...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 26, 2012 8:10 pm
Subject: What Will Crazy/Dangerous Libs...

                      (For Moferates and Conservatives)
               by Richad DePersio and Citizen Journalist
We are confident that Ms and Cs would agree with us that libs are
crazy but also dangerous, especially, to children; libs at best are
amoral or don't subscribe to traditional morality and at worst, they
are immoral.
      Posts at this comsat are concerned with efforts to mainstream
depravity, the killing of the innocent, the death of military traditions,
things that libs are doing behind parents backs in public schools
amongst other things.
      Studies have shown that less than 40% of public school teachers
and administrators hold traditional moral views. Now, in lib New York
City after banning BIG kulps is distributing the morning after bill
and other contraceptives to children as young as 14 without parental
      if truth be told, this time it isn't completely behind the backs of
parents. letters were send to parents offering them the opportunity
to opt out and only 2% did so!!! Are parents immoral? We think not.
In all likelihood, they saw the return address was for the school
and treated it like junk mail: didn't bother to read it thinking that the
 school wanted money or to ask them them to volunteer time. Time:
 Parents fail to devote enough time to their children, especially,
career moms and workaholic dads. Considering the gravity of the
issue, parents should have been notified more than once and in
different ways. 2%: We think that they number would have been at
least 60% if parents had read it or were notified more than once.
      Often they operate totally behind parent's backs (see posts 
below). Prior to the '60s, teachers and administrators felt that they
 worked for the parents. Since then more and more of them think
 that the children are theirs to do what  they  wish during the school
It is likely to be a very close election and Judicial Watch continues
to pressure states to clean up their voter rolls; to fight illegal
immigration - cities with sanctuary policies in violation of the law;
to refuse to "move on" and are fighting to see fed gov records
pertaining to the bailouts - the BO administration is highly
secretive. JW recently filed an open records lawsuit seeking
access to taxpayer grants to La Raza - the nation's largest
advocacy group for sanctuary policies. Ms and Cs shouldn't have
to find this. Right?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fwd: Momus Presents...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 12, 2012 7:11 pm
Subject: Fwd: Momus Presents...

                          (for Moderates and Conservatives)
                              by Richard DePersio with Pan

Pan (Hey, that's me!), the god of woods and fields, of flocks and
shepherds, dwelt in grottos, wandered on the mountains and in the
valleys and amused myself with leading, the dances of the nymphs. I'm
 fond of music, and was, the inventor of the syrinx, or shepherd's pipe,
which I play in a masterly manner (modesty not being one of my strong
suites). I am dreaded by those  whose occupations cause them
 to pass through the woods by night, for the gloom and loneliness of
such scenes dispose the mind to superstitious fears. Hence sudden
fright without any visible cause is ascribed to me, and called a panic
 terror or attack.                                                             (Autobiographical)
Get a load of this: So you got this guy in prison for murder in
Massachusetts who has been receiving judge-approved/taxpayer 
funded hormones for quite some time because he wants to be a she!
Now, the same judge says that he can take the final step and get a
taxpayer paid for sex-change operation. This is not in the Western
Tradition. What is happening to the U.S.A?!? The president grants
societal and gov stamp-of-approval to that which is immoral (Bible),
abnormal (evolution - bad mutations), abnormal/unnatural (according to
traditional psychology): homos. This is not in the Western Tradition.
(More perversions on the floors below, including, "Normal Parents and
Grandparents be Wary").
BO is building on FDR and LBJ in creating a dependent nation with 50%
of Americans receiving some form of federal assistance. Many people
might vote for him to get on the gravy train (there are far more people on
food stamps than when his presidency was launched). People want the
freebies - but they really aren't free -- $16 trillion debt which could spell
our demise!!! As we wade our way through woods of large numbers not
trees, we suffer a Pan-induced anxiety attack!!! We have a choice: 'Free
stuff' or FREEDOM!
Judicial Watch scores another BIG victory on the issue of taxpayer-funded
perks for illegals! A lawsuit was filed by two unnamed illegally and others
 to prevent the people of Maryland from voting on their state's so-called
Dream Act. Thanks to JW, it will appear on the ballot in November. The
Marylanders' first referendum on state law in 20 years. The act includes
taxpayer-funded discounts for illegals' college tuition.
On adults, including, parents setting a bad example for the children. When
unionized gov workers demonstrate/throw a tamper tantrum to get their
way: increases in salaries which are already much higher than the average
worker; don't want to be graded - held accountable; want to bankrupt a
state; demand larger pensions when they are already much larger than the
average worker; refuse to work. Pre-BO, we admired successful people as
people to emulate; now, we are jealous of them and want to seize with they
have without working for it: income redistribution. We punish hard work
by kicking him up to a higher income bracket. The top 10% of Americans
money-wise pay over 60% of Fed income taxes. Blood/Sweat/Tears - he
only retains a small portion of what he earns; if he had more, he could
generate more wealth for himself and many others in the process - Adam
Smith's INVISIBLE HAND at ill gotten booty:
Crime; union settlements - more pay, fewer hours. This is not in the
Western Tradition. This is  not the Protestant Work Ethic!
*He could only mock our Aphrodite for being talkative and having creaky
sandals. How could there be anything more; that's all he had!