Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fwd: ACTION CHAIN LETTER SIX (A Spanking-newer Update

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 28, 2011 2:07 pm
Subject: Fwd: ACTION CHAIN LETTER SIX (A Spanking-newer Update

                  ACTION CHAIN LETTER 6: A Spanking-New - Newer Update
                                 by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
                   (Also at this venue:  "Update: Fast Forward Future/Rewind Roswell,"  
"Mining Moon - Crystalinks" and a hell-a-va lot more!). Reading 1 - 5 not required for 6).
Last week, Obama certified process of sissification complete; gays can prance in
barracks - it constitutes another one of those fabricated liberal 'rights' under their
Liberals are hopeless when it comes to national security. We are calling upon moderates
and the undecided to read with an open mind from start to finish.
There are approximately 2,300,000 uniformed regulars and reservists and an
estimated 25,000 homos are wearing uniforms. Should about 1% be accommodated
at the expense of the over 60% of combat soldiers who don't wish to serve with the
openly gay. Should the military be a place for liberal social experimentation!?! How
to ruin a perfectly good fighting machine: send him to sensitivity training classes!
The self-same presidential commission that 
recommended that gays should serve openly in the military are now
 considering giving women  the option (option not available to men;
equality? Lib {liberal & women's liberation} hypocrisy) to serve in combat or not which
 would further undermine traditional morality endorsed by a majority of Americans. 
Neither recommendations serve the purpose of enhancing preparedness and
capability and in all likelihood would diminish it. What is Obama's attitude toward
and what are his desires regarding our armed forces? Read: "A Bad Case of Treason." 
      A reprieve if you will: it will  necessitate approximately nine months to implement:
 starting with military personnel (uniformed and civilian) at the Pentagon and ending
 with the Marines, infantrymen, special forces and the support soldiers serving in Iraq
 and Afghanistan. Do you like how your tax dollars are being spent? (By the bye, by
 law women can't serve in combat; all infantrymen and special forces are male bar none;
 in basic and boot women don't usually train with, compete with nor are they graded
with men). Unlike Command-in-Chief Obama,
we don't wish to mess with military; make changes which don't enhance capability.
Let's work to undo potential damage being inflicted before it is too late. Homos aren't
victims of physical and verbal gay bashing - they ask for it! Stay in the closet; don't
flaunt your perversion, especially, in front of the children!
We should return to the pre-Clinton policy of DADT - ask, investigate to weed out the
undesirables in military. We reiterate: Morale should trump homo.
> We can still save our nation from making a tragic error in judgement. Although,
statistically the numbers don't smile favorably upon us. At least, once per month for
the next several months, we can leave a message and Send Washington a message by expressing 
our views as citizens (Cowards   need not leave their name; come to think of it, the
 manner in which our privacy is unconstitutionally being violated at airports sans name might
 not by a bad idea -  our recommendations regarding airport security can be found - and they
don't involve porno photos and feel-ups - in Action Chain Letter 4 or 5.  Please pardon our
A.D.D. excursion!).Leave a message at website and/or phone DOD and White House:
 202-456-1414. Be involved; be active. Don't bring up the rear. Update: 6/29/2011
 at groups. and /group/newfederalism, /group/
nasa-our-way Hopefully, some day situation will be rectified. Not about discrimination
but all important military morale.
> Subject: SEGUE COINCIDENTAL? Update One: Emergency: National security trumps
 Study showed 15% of spouses will strongly request that partner exit military if "don't ask,
don't tell" is abolished; it has come to pass.(Citizen Journalist Military Sources: One-active regulars;
One-lifer retired).                                                                                                  
That could generate CRISIS!!! SCOREBOARD: 15 > 7; All male Combat/Support Military            
    can do the job, all female or all homo - can't. gates should be tried for treason  if
precipitous  drop in numbers of uniformed and civilian military personnel or slight drop in morale,
 especially,  amongst combat Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines during time of war!!! 
>Warning: Forward March and look back.   
>                                     SEGUE COINCIDENTAL?                                                          
   Subtitle: "What Happens when You have to Throw Away a Perfectly Good Marine                          
      After You Forced Him to Undergo Sensitivity Training?
> Setting the Record STRAIGHT... We opened closet door an ass crack. Over time will it have
 to be opened all the way?We should invite all homos, bios, trans-genders,          
 cross-dressers, bestial-practitioners, spank-me-please-ers, pedophiles, etc. to enlist  
   and serve openly. Liberal-P.C.. shouldn't trump national security. Liberal social
 experimentation: Be all you can be in the lovely army. Return to pre-'95: Ask and Tell and
> Damn Straight, We Ask and TELL! On sending tough Marines to sensitivity training classes!
 On undermining all of their training for the less then 20% of Americans who are liberal and
the less than 5% who are homosexuals. Three cheers for minority rule and the
 "progressive/secular 'living' constitution! 
> Overall, over 50% of regular combat soldiers don't want to serve with homos/over 60% of
> and Special Forces. Secretary of defense gates who is more interested in politics 
> then morale (and moral!) says that this represents a minor problem and one easily 
> handled. He's talking about sensitivity training and the sissification of the military.  
Can you imagine sending a Killing Machine to sensitivity and anger management  classes!?!
 Completely undermining...nay, obliterating...our military for the sake of a few. The military
 is a unique entity that must play by rules all its own in the name of 
> national security. We will be told the truth about the effect of negating "Don't Ask/Don't
Tell? Will objective studies be conducted? We doubt it even if a Republican becomes
President because of political ramifications. Remember: Liberals control most T.V.
networks and major newspapers, as well as, all public schools, major movie studios and
record companies. We can only hope. Let your voice be heard.
> Should Society in general and the special American org known as the U.S. Military in
particular sanction BAD behavior? The Top Soldier and the Top Marine on the Joint    
   Chiefs of Staff say "NO," especially, during a war. We hereby question Gates' patriotism... 
> They claim to be victims of physical and verbal gay-bashing. Stay in the damn 
> closet! No one should go around talking about or displaying their sexual 
> preferences in public, especially, unnatural ones - they're asking for it! Question: 
> (even for liberals, if they're reading which we doubt, for they are close-minded; just 
> look at the way they champion the cause of free speech - we will have more to say 
> about free speech outside of the parenthesis - and suppress alternate views in their 
> public elementary and high schools and colleges. Get off of A.D.D. track. Pardon 
> me, boys, is this the Chattanooga Choo Choo)! Where back; we were nearly 
> finished with article when we realized that we forgot our question. Question: 
> You are walking in public park with your child or grandchild and a heterosexual couple
 is 'making out' on a park bench - you feel embarrassed, disgusted, furious. 
> How many degrees more if gay or lesbo!?! Admit it... 
> What will become of chaplain's first amendment rights: Free speech and non-gov 
> intrusion into the way one practices their religion. Will they be able to preach that 
> homo is a sin and what if a homosexual soldier  desires counseling in the hope of 
> being cured.  Has gates and obama thought this out? ...                                        
Homosexuality is condemned as immoral by the Bible, the Koran and the Dalai Lama        
    too! They are abnormal and unnatural in evolutionary terms: bad mutations.  Although,
we don't subscribe to the view that they are born that way. The joke field  
  of sociobiology: you can be born with a strong nasty gene or greedy gene or cheap
gene or criminal gene or
homo gene, etc. and if you are, you are more likely to grow-up to have that particular
characteristic. What happened to free will? What happened to humans having the most
 advanced brains and, therefore, not being slaves  of their biology. Liberals say: criminals
 shouldn't be punished too severely, if at all, for they were born that way and
can't help doing what they do... Just say "NO" to more liberal social
experimentation (mainly between 1963 and the        present) which has destroyed
much of  traditional morality and has contributed to our decline as a nation as much as the
 introduction of socialistic concepts (1900-21, 1929-39, 1964-74, 2009-present) into our
 economic/financial systems has. 
Psychological: Some consciously and/or subconsciously choose to be homo; the rest
 are the result of traumatic experience early in childhood.
> No one cares what homos do in private so long as their behavior isn't criminal like 
> involving children but society and government in general and the military in 
> particular shouldn't be in the business of sanctioning and granting formal approval 
> of aberrant modes of behavior.  They can be cured but they have to consciously and 
> subconsciously strongly want it and be willing to strongly work at it. We are waiting    
  to be called homophobes by liberals. They always resort to name-calling when they 
> can't rebut strong arguments...N.Y. has become 6th and largest state to legalize
same-self marriage. A celebration of heterosexual love-bond for continuity of species
and a Christian sacrament.
> National security and military morale should trump homos. We don't cotton to the 
> notion that they should be denied rights as individuals but not recognized as couples. 
> What other perverted unions will we be compelled to acknowledge if we cave here. 
> There are always exceptions to the rules: parental rights more important than their 
> rights. Parents shouldn't enjoy the right to demand the a homo-teacher be fired but 
> that THEIR child be transferred to another class... 
> Who can forget 'hero' Jessica Lynch who couldn't read a map and use a compass    
 reminiscent of that other 'hero' Amelia Earhart - dirty little facts that aren't P.C. to talk
       about. In Basic and Boot, women rarely train with, compete with and are graded
against men. In the early 1980s, mental and physical exams were made easier so        
    that more women could get into and graduate from police academy. It explains why
there are so many illiterate and overweight cops: when you lower standards for one
group, others are able to take advantage of it too. Fire departments fought in courts
 for years to keep their standards high not for the purpose of discriminating but for  
  the sake of that little thing called public safety! Last year, they lost and had to make
 tests easier for women and minorities. Ten passed: 9 white trash men and 1 Latino male!
 Judge tried to invalidate tests and not allow these men to be firemen. We suppose the
 tests weren't easy enough. She was overruled. She is the newest liberal member of the
 U.S. Supreme Court. You get ten points added to your score on civil service exams if you
 have a vagina or dark skin! (No wonder people complain about the incompetence of gov
  workers). Thanks to affirmative action, you don't know which women and minorities
rightly have their jobs. Gays: it isn't about discrimination but the importance of
morale; Women: it is about aspiring to a lower standard to pass and getting to
play in uniform. Be all that you can be in the a-hole army; the fighting ballerinas
(Pregnant pause)..... Speaking of senator barney  frank. 
 6/29/2011 - Bonus: Hate crimes are unconstitutional. If you haul racial slurs during the
commission of an assault or if you don't but it alleged that attack was racially-
motivated - you should only be charged with assault or murder or arson or
whatever - - freedom of speech/freedom of thought. Our Founding Fathers would
by appalled  by courts getting inside of people's heads!

Fwd: Revised: One Who Knows Science...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 28, 2011 1:52 pm
Subject: Revised: One Who Knows Science...
Updated; originally written: 1/13...
Recently, NASA completely another 10-year study (a follow-up to the one completed in
2001) indicating once again that little or no warming is taking place (NASA using satellites
measures temperatures at various levels in atmosphere). U.N. says otherwise (using
computer models {wherein observations are made to fit predictions!} and surface
 temperatures {on land, they were placed near heat-
generating sources and on sea, measurements aren't very reliable}). Who are you
going to believe: the prestigious scientific/technological NASA or the anti-American U.N.
Liberal-Bogus Science: sociobiology; climate warming for past 20 years and continuing;
value of going green; hole in ozone layer being a major problem. Schools must get
politics out of science and desist in promoting a progressive-only/secular-only agenda.
Objectivity should reign supreme. Schools must teach real and lib-science; real and
revisionist American history! Indoctrination: presenting only one side of an issue or
two - given latter short shift. Libs are doing the self-same thing in other subjects and