Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fwd: The Rise and Fall of...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 22, 2012 6:58 pm
Subject: Fwd: The Rise and Fall of...

                  The RISE and FALL of WESTERN CIVILIZATION, including,
                                             AMERICAN BRANCH
                              by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
Dear Moderates and Conservatives:
Please read or reread: "OFFENDING with TRUTH: Episode - Call to Action"
at rickadd, as well as, "Normal Parents and Grandparents be Wary - Expanded
Version" and "Choose + Click + Compensate = Cash for Charity" at Citizenj.
Connect via Second American Revolution at Facebook; you need not be a
cyber-friend. Reading assignment is optional (eligible for extra credit).
Former UN Ambassador John Bolton writes:
"...Obama's radical policies to
     - throw open our borders, ending American sovereignty*;
     - grant de facto amnesty for illegal aliens by not enforcing federal law in
       violation of the Constitution*;
     - allow state-terrorism sponsor Iran to develop nuclear-tipped missiles**;
     - turn America's back on our ally Israel our one true friend in the volatile
       Middle East**;
     - use the morally corrupt U.N. of all places to criticize Arizona for simply
       trying to enforce federal immigration law that the president refuses to
     - take medical decisions away from you and your doctor, giving them to
       Obama's new Independent Advisory Boards (IABs) - the ObamaCare
       death panels you've heard about;
...You see, I'm appalled by President Obama and his Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton globalist efforts to circumvent the U.S. Constitution and the
American peoples' right to self-governance.
Just consider that Barack Obama recently called himself a 'citizen of the world.'
Those are his words. Obama is our first post-American president - someone
who sees his role in foreign policy less as an advocate for what he sees as
America's 'parochial' self interests and more as an advocate of global governance.
As a globalist, self-described 'citizen of the world,' Obama races to bind
American decision making to U.N. controls..."
We need to worry. This will likely be a close election and it's a good thing that
Judicial Watch (full disclosure: we are members) is on the job. JW: "...the
Obama gang is working hard to steal the 2012 elections...but we're fighting them
in the courts on more and more fronts...Our research discovered that in 12
Indiana counties the number of registered voters exceeds 100% of the voting-age
population...And don't forget why we are filling these lawsuits in states across
the country. Dirty voter rolls carrying the names of dead and ineligible voters
like illegal aliens are an open invitation to ACORN-style voter fraud.
Our Comments:
*The browning of America. We have no problems with those who come here
legally. If we legalize the millions of illegals and later they bring over their
families, we can wave goodbye to Western Civilization/American Branch!
**We should give Israel the green light to attack Iran's nuclear and missile
facilities with our supplying any back-up that they need - no need for boots
on the ground. This MUST transpire before year's end. The longer that we wait
the more difficult it will be - and will necessitate boots! We should target North
Korea's missile and nuclear facilities with our missiles. Throw North Korea
completely back to the Dark Ages. The time-traveled nation exists in the Dark
 Ages except for its missile and nuclear programs.
***The first president to do such a despicable thing. It might not be an impeachable
offense but it smell nearly as bad. Only libs and a dirty handful of mods embrace
anti-American and useless UN --- and want to empower it. (See "Upside Down
Article" at and "A Bad Case of Treason" at Citizenj.
P.S. Just remember this: a kiss is just a kiss*, a sigh is just a sigh, the fundamental
things apply as time goes by - Add to Favorites or Bookmark Second American
Revolution at Facebook.
*hetero-kissing only at our comsats