Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fwd: Christians (and Deists too) for Israel...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 18, 2012 8:30 pm
Subject: Christians (and Deists too) for Israel...

                                           CHRISTIANS (and DEISTS too) for ISRAEL
                                  by Honorary Jews Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
                              (why is it that they are never seen together. See: "The Return of
                                        Citizen Journalist" at
        Jew David Brog, appearing on JLTV (the Chosen Network) stated that he never
expected to be the Executive Director of Christians United for Israel ( He said
that Christians are sincere in their commitment to Israel with some feeling guilty about
the past (how will that sit with Christians?). This is a worthy and a vital cause: the
continued existence of the Jewish homeland from muslims who want to destroy it. It is
sacred land to Christians and Jews alike, especially, Jerusalem. Where not interested
in muslims. Help protect this nation and its holy places. Help their needy. CUFI is the
US's largest pro-Israel organization. Also look into another fine group: Stand with Us. (We
have written about the little mohammads, including, "Our Chosen People" at
- connect to both sites via Facebook Second American Revolution and Twitter @rickaddsite;
those aren't are only articles about moderate muslim myth and more at our web sites).
       Alliance Defense Fund (full disclosure: strange bedfellows - we are deists who contribute
to this fine org protecting Amendment One of the Bill of Rights; they have changed their name to:
Alliance Defending Freedom): Their biggest enemy and yours --- ACLU which has been fighting
the free exercise of religion for 92 years!
       Planned Parenthood is fighting to reelect BO whose support he enthusiastically accepts
even after ADF sued them for fraudulent use of taxpayer dollars. BO won't allow his Justice
Department to defend the "Marriage Protection Act of 1996" in court because of his homo
agenda (we examine homo from a scientific, theological and psychological perspectives here and
at (you might have to connect via Facebook). Call us ignorant but
we thought that the president took an oath to defend the constitution and all the laws of the
United States and not just the ones that he likes!). ADF: "He is ordering Christians to violate
their beliefs and consciences by ordering them to pay for things things they detest ---- like
abortion-inducing drugs. You're not getting an 'option out' like his friends received from
Obamacare...This administration 'strongly opposes' protections for military chaplains from being
forced to perform 'weddings' between people of the same sex...The Obama Administration
eliminated federal protections for Christian health-care workers who cannot participate in the
sins of abortion or distributing abortion -inducing drugs..."The ACLU and the Obama officials
want to put a lid on the First Amendment and confine it to living out your religious convictions
in the privacy of your home or church. But your church better be careful of what it says! They call
this freedom of 'worship.'
       Judicial Watch (we contribute to them as well): "...Obama gang's campaign to steal election...
with one of the most critical areas of focus for JW is dirty registration rolls..........JW is a leader in
fighting alien sanctuary policies around the country....53,000 dead registered voters in Florida;
Millions nationwide (JW quotes" CJ: "Of course, both issue are related."
JW: "JW files new brief in effort to stop in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens."
BO celebrates 'gay pride' day and so does pentagon - today's military! Next year, it gets better: it
will be celebrated at all U.S. military bases, here and abroad (what they need is a broad!).
What else will you find downstairs? You'll find an attack on the innocent, the changing military
and more.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Fwd: The Culture War: News from the Front...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 9:04 am
Subject: The Culture War: News from the Front...

                                               THE CULTURAL WAR: NEWS FROM THE FRONT
                                       by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and Jose' Jimenez
Our tease at and rickaddsite. Now, the answers: Hispanics or Latinos
 (whatever they prefer to be called) are the biggest threats to American Identity, Western Civilization -----
and to blacks!!! HonorableXXX Dishonorable Mention: Muslims.  (Coming Soon: Within this article - the
 Moderate-muslim-Myth and anchor Joses).
      Latin America isn't part of Western Civilization nor did it contribute to America becoming the number one
 nation on the globe. The changing American Identity is due in large part to the Immigration Reform Act of
 '65 and the Amnesty of '87. We want: Melting Pot not multi-culturalism. A desire to preserve that which
made America great and to build upon it and a desire to have others in our nation embrace it, even if not
 technically a part of their heritage, isn't bigoted. Being Pro-American/Pro-Western Civilization/Pro-Traditional
 Moral Values and anti-lib isn't bigoted! Unity: United States. There is so much Western Civilization,
including, American Branch that only it should be taught in  elementary and high schools (ONE: melting pot)
 with multicultural limited to home, parades/festivals and colleges.
      1960: 2% of population Hispanic; 1990: 8%; Today: 14% (this doesn't include illegals). Blacks - African-
American breed - 1990: 11%; Today: 13%. They worked hard to achieve equality but have steadily been
 loosing political clout due to high 'brown' birth rate They aren't pleased with the changing situation. Yet, over
 90% voted for BO.
       IQs, on average, Orientals score higher than crackers, crackers score higher than darkies, darkies
 on average outscore browns while reds bring up the rear. Average white is higher than average blacks,
nonetheless, there are blacks who are smarter than whites.The notion that IQ tests are designed by
vanillas for vanillas is a silly lib excuse without merit and foundation. It is designed to measure certain
types of intelligence enjoyed by all homo sapiens. Stop insulting minorities.
       What does the future hold?
       By 2035 or sooner, honkies will no longer be the majority - there won't be a majority; we will constitute
 the largest minority. By 2070 or sooner, the largest minority or, perhaps, the majority will be brownies with
a different culture not the best one: WC/AB; It will be rendered a distant memory.
      How will it come to pass?
      Of the estimated 12 million illegals (likely an underestimate), 9 million are Hispanics; 6 of the 9
are wetbacks.
      The BO factor:
Larry Dever, Sheriff, Cochise County, Arizona: "...I never dreamed I would be a lawsuit by
Barack Obama, Eric Holder and even the ACLU...If we win, the work can finally begin to clean up the
mess at our borders!! If we lose, every pro-amnesty, anti-American who can afford a lawyer will use
the ruling in our case as a club to beat every state in submission - it will be virtually impossible for
officers anywhere to do their jobs without fear of being sued - and it will be next to impossible to stop
anyone from crossing our borders." (Send a donation for his cause and legal defense fund).
       Anchor babies a.k.a. anchor Jose'-s: Clearly Amendments 13, 14, 15 to the U.S. Constitution (we've
 stated this many times) was meant to apply and apply only to former black slaves and their children and
not those who illegally enter our Sovereign Nation and deposit a baby here!
       Once again BO wants to violate the U.S. Constitution (we have 19 charges now against him. See:
"A Bad Case if Treason." Look and ye shall find!). Illegal aliens who have U.S. relatives. Judicial Watch:
 "...Homeland Security...will grant 'unlawful presence waivers' to  illegal aliens who can prove that they
have a relative that's a U.S. citizen. Currently, such aliens must return to their native country and request a
waiver of inadmissibility in an existing  overseas immigration process. In other words, they must enter
the U.S. legally as thousands of foreigners do on a yearly basis...Security risk...rewarding bad behavior..."
       "Indeed as JW has pointed out many times, the Obama Administration is intent on granting amnesty
to millions of illegal immigrants with or without approval by Congress --- and despite stiff public
opposition...DHS policy of 'selective deportation' which dismiss deportation against a wide
variety of illegal aliens, even those convicted of serious crimes."
      The last two paragraphs: All of whom will be competing for jobs with those who were born here and
who came here legally. BO won't be satisfied until their is blanket amnesty. Isn't it bad enough that most
illegals (courtesy of lib governors. county execs and mayors) receive social services and healthcare now - the
cost of their presence far outweighs any alleged economic benefit from their being here; legalizing them will
only compound the problem. Let's not forget the crimes that they commit! We're not talking about 9 or 12 million -
legalizing them will mean that immediately or after 5 or 7 years, they can bring their children and parents here
(those not already illegally present). We are talking about a flood of 30 to 40 million!!! Competing for jobs,
 receiving social services (don't forget the national debt!) and destroying American Identity!!!!!!!!
Here come the muslims with their wonderful culture...We've been saying it ever since they planned (which
they succeeding in doing) building their islamic center near Ground Zero in New York City. The muslim
brotherhood (lower-case letters intentional) aided and abetted hitler doing WW2, contributes funds to the
hamas and hezbollah terrorist groups and contributes funds to most so-called 'moderate' mosques in the
     Now we hear...French Porch Politics has revealed 'stealth' operations by the muslim brotherhood to give
funds to public schools and 'request' that they teach arabic!!!
Check out: Western Culture Global and Facebook Youth for Western
(We have five web sites - be a glutton and read more than one page per site).

Thursday, May 31, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 5:54 pm
Sadly measure defeated. We tried. Let's make a habit of WORKING TOGETHER on major issues.
Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 1:30 am
Subject: BLOODY (as our Brit friends would say) MURDER!!!
House is expected to vote on disgusting sex selection this week. We have been talking about it for
weeks. We  doubt that it would pass. Libs will vote against it.* Even though, it is the most anti-female
act in existence for they fear weakening abortion. Libs are hypocrites: How can they call themselves
feminists and at the same time vote against this legislation!?! Nonetheless, we implore you to do the
humane thing - even if libs can't: Fight for the INNOCENT. Call your Congressman. House Operator
will assist: 1-202-224-3121. Do it today. Just say 'NO' to sex selection and the murdering of the
DEFENSELESS!!! (See below).
*Due to arcane House procedures a 2/3 vote is necessitated to pass.
Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 12:27 pm
Subject: ...$$$s for CHARITY

                              CHOOSE + CLICK + COMPENSATE = CASH for CHARITY
                                             by Richard DePersio and Dago RED
     (Our articles are written for moderates, moderate-conservatives and conservatives)
 We are proud sponsors of "ChildFund International," "JudicialWatch" and Alliance Defense
 Fund and strongly urge you to make purchases on our five web sites as our profits - all - go to
 these three outstanding organizations. Thank You.
(We have a bone to pick with CCF. Some might consider it a trifle/a small bone. We think
CCF writes: "Girls are the most at risk, just because they are female... Gender-based
violence toward the most vulnerable children living in poverty adds another layer of
physical, psychological and emotional trauma that can last a lifetime --- and destroy their
future...Sexual violence by male peers and teachers; Early or forced marriage for young
girls; Lack of protection from violence and danger; Trafficking for the purpose of
exploitation; Traditional, gender mutilation practices harmful to females; Neglect and
denial of medical care, especially for girls. One of the countries where CCF be launching
programs on GBV is Liberia.
(CCF failed to mention what we talk about 3 and, especially, 4 floors down. Are they afraid
to offend libs who won't give an inch on this issue, no matter how cruel!?! And, it is even
transpiring in our country!...We contacted CCF and took them to task when they changed their
 name from Christian Children's Fund. We wondered why even though we are deists. Fear of
libs. Their explanation: our mission is much more inclusive now and somewhat different then
in the past. Satisfactory to you?).
CCF is an outstanding organization and consistently scores high ratings as regards percentage
of contribution actually spent on the needy vs. overhead. Compassionate people: Consider
making a contribution or sponsoring a child here or abroad. Orgs like this do a far better job as
regarding the less fortunate than do gov programs but don't possess the same resources.
Per capita Americans are the most giving people in the world - consider at least a one-time
contribution to CCF. And, Americans would do more if fed gov got out of the social service
arena - where it constitutionally doesn't belong! /1-800-776-6767
Strange Bedfellows: Alliance Defense Fund and Citizen Journalist. CJ was born and raised a
Catholic, became an atheist at 18, a pantheist at 30, and, eventually, a deist with a splash of
Plato (he nearly slipped up and revealed his age - you won't find it at Facebook or Twitter. Alright,
he'll finally reveal this much: between 33 and 43).
Why? (Why won't he reveal his age? None of your business. Sherlock is still trying to find out).
Why does he support ADF? He contends that over the centuries, religion has done more good
than bad. He believes that the secularization of America, especially, since the '60s has been
very BAD!!! He is a strict Constitutionalist who share the views of the Founding Fathers as
regards religious freedom and not the revisionist lousy little lying libs' (there is our favorite
alliteration again!) distortions of the views of George, Ben, Tom, Jim and company. (More on this
on the floors below: not-out-of-date, still as relevant now as it was when written; there's a lot of
good stuff down below!).
ADF writes: "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and its allies are unyielding. They never
let up. Nothing is off-limits to them. Everything Christian, every public prayer, every Christian
symbol is fair game for attack...No one has filed more lawsuits against religious liberty than the
ACLU...Mountain Home, Idaho city officials told No Limits Christian ministries that zoning laws
permitted no churches in the community. But ADF-allied attorney took the city to court and now No
Limits has no limits in its ministry. We ask: Why doesn't ACLU go after Muslims???
You need not be religious in general or Christian in particular to be a staunch defender of
Amendment One in the Bill of Rights! Please consider making a one-time contribution or
becoming a a regular contributor: /1-800-TELL-ADF.
Are we opposed to BO because the three spiritual advisors that he had beginning as a teen with
the second being the Reverend 'Wrong' - all subscribing to the same disturbing theology? No; though
disturbing. It is because he is a lib? No. JFK is a lib icon; they are too stupid to realize that he was
anything but a lib! He instituted major tax cuts, challenged America in Moon Race (though motivation
was to distract attention from Bay of Pigs fiasco), sent first flighting man to Viet Nam - Green Berets
(right decision based on available intelligence - which would later turn out to be faulty). LBJ was an
enthusiastic supporter of NASA. Jimmy 'Peanuts' Carter and the Camp David Accords. They were libs.
We haven't agreed with one single thing that BO has done. He might be a Constitutional Criminal. (See:
"A Bad Case of Treason" at 'rickaddsite,' Page 6, near top - connect via FB Second American
Revolution or Twitter @rickaddsite -- remember: there is good stuff on page one and beyond).
Judicial Watch: "...the naked truth is that government corruption is never-ending in this bigger-than-
ever, socialist orthodoxy of the Obama administration." JW has filed a staggering 877 Freedom of
Information Act requests and more than 75 lawsuits regarding ObamaCare, continued Obama
funding of the criminal ACORN group, tracking Wall Street bailout money, his potentially
unconstitutional use of czars who are accountable to no one but him, the corrupt political machine's
intentions to steal the 2012 election..and more. Enable Judicial Watch to continue Watching: /(202) 646-5172, 1-888-593-8442.
Become a member of TEAM USA at SETI@home U.S. is in 5th place - Are you going to put up with
We are considering contributing a little something - we can't afford much to "Youth for Western
Civilization" and so should you! Find out more at

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Tue, May 8, 2012 12:35 pm

                                                              by Richard DePersio*
The Odd Couple: Item One - Humanely Odious; Item Two - Scientifically Appealing.
According to FoxNews: A lobbyist for Planned Parenthood condemned sex selection
but refused to say that PP wouldn't do them if asked!** 
Editor's Note: We'd like to PP and crap on those who perform the service! Pity the
unborn little girls and minorities. President Bush had signed an Executive Order
 prohibiting U.S. medical personnel on humanitarian missions in foreign countries from
 performing any abortions if they are partially or completely fed-funded. One of the first things
 that President BO upon taking office in January, 2009 was to rescind that order along with
 making faith-based programs which received fed-funds less effective by compelling them
to minimize the God-Component which makes them so effective. So much for bleeding heart
 libs***: Kill girls via sex-selection (learn more about this issue - two, three and four floors down.
 Since you're going down anyway, why not go to rock bottom) and make programs for the needy
less effective. If they were truly compassionate, they would only be concerned that the
needy get help. The best help afforded the needy in order: Faith-Based Programs; Secular
Charities; Fed Gov Social Programs - but gov programs have the most $$$s. Of course,
constitutionally speaking, fed gov shouldn't have such prograns; they always perform poorly when
engaging in activities outside of their purview and often make matters worse. We have shown
conclusively that libs distorted meaning of separation-of-church-and-state. This is nothing
unconstitutional about fed-funds being employed in a program with a strong God-Component -
Tom Jefferson, himself, did it and he certainly understood U.S. Constitution better than the
former BO college instructor on the constitution. Our problem lies with subsidies, especially,
involving the private sector. Gov chooses favorites (certain companies over others with taint of
political motivation) and interferes with capitalism - it's a form of crony capitalism which is bad
capitalism! Perhaps, subsidizing religious and non-religious charities is kosher if Tom says so.
 (Did we go on an A.D.D. tangent!?!). Warning: More good stuff follows!

Sent: Mon, Apr 16, 2012 6:38 pm
Subject: Fwd: Real Scientist...
Dear Alexa and Caty,
       Do you want to be a Citizen Scientist like your Uncle Rick? Download the
screen saver at seti@home You will then have the coolest screen savor on the block
and in your school! Let it run at least two hours a week: a few minutes here and a few
minutes there; I recommend that you let it run for 30 to 60 minutes non-stop plus a
few minutes here and there. Enjoy! You and your computer are involved with a real
and very important science project: the search for intelligent beings living on a planet
orbiting another star. (The earth orbits a star called the sun). Also: It will enable you
to realize how well your computer is performing; You will earn credits - You will be a
member of Team USA like me -- we want our team to be in first place.
       I hope that we do this neat and cool project together.
                                                                     You and I Together Among the Stars,
                                                                     Uncle Rick
P.S. My name is Roswell Gray 13907. I'm from 61 Cygni. I'm your Uncle's friend.
(Naturally, niece's email address not revealed. Alexa is 12 and Caty is 15).
Tue., May 8, 2012 11:07 am UPDATE: Come join us in TEAM USA. We are in 5th - it's
depressing! Russia and China are ahead of us. Help with the Greetings!
Let's make it Odd Triplet: What in the world...or, cosmos (which means world) is Photo 3!?!
It's an artist rendition of the Nazi 'Bell.' This section more appropriately belongs at where you will appropriately find more details. At the end
of WW2, we 'captured' German scientists, engineers, technicians, as well as, blueprints,
data, prototypes, test objects and completed devices. Not long after the war, Americans were
told about some of the stuff, for example, that we were testing captured V2s and further
developing them. Were we told everything? In '65, some residents of the town of Kecksburg,
Pennsylvania claim to see a UFO shaped like a bell or acorn with strange writing; some
residents didn't see anything. Some think it was a flying saucer, others a fallen satellite or
space junk, still others a meteor. There are people in this town to this day, including,
relatives, who aren't on speaking terms over the issue!!! It was only a couple of decades ago
that we learned of the Bell which according to some reports was destroyed to prevent this
alleged advanced technology from getting in to enemy hands (read more about it, you know
*Many of our readers claim that the writing is better when I collaborate with Citizen Journalist, as
opposed to, when I go solo.
**Recently, the real "The Scream" by Edvard Munch (1893) sold for $120 million at auction - a record!
Recently, we purchased "The Scream" poster for $5. Is this suppose to be a parody of conservatives
and, many, if not most, moderates? If so, it falls flat on its face for these are the things that caring,
concerned, intelligent Americans are worried about with one exception: we don't have a problem with
the president being black while we do have a problem with his lack of constitutional knowledge, his
Reverend 'Wrongs' Social Justice Theology ("God damn America"; non-traditional morality), his anti-
capitalistic tendencies, etc.
***Where lies the compassion? Bleeding heart libs vs. Moderate (?) Conservative/Non-Religious/Moral
Traditionalist/Deist with a Splash of Plato. Do what we can for needy: hand-up rather than hand-out; fed
gov programs have failed; who cares what kind of component, God or otherwise, so long as it works!
(Downstairs topics include: Our Chosen People; Attack on the Innocent; Killing Babies;
Military Morale...and much more).

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 29, 2012 12:37 pm

B.O. is the first anti-Zionist, perhaps, anti-Jewish U.S. president.
Let's go to the experts (not Christians or Jews in the State Department): Two
years ago, we saw a report from Sky News in the U.K. in which a radical Muslim
cleric stated the only a few per cent of Muslims are radicals and terrorists and that
the vast majority were moderates. He went on to declare that a majority of the
moderates could easily be converted into becoming radicals or terrorists. At
about the same time, we saw a former Muslim/now Christian woman on the
700 Club who said the self-same thing but added that many so-called
moderates were concealing their true identities as radicals or terrorists and
might be part of terror-cells.
Gov propaganda: Most Muslims are peace-loving/equality believing moderates.
If true, explain the following: Most so-called moderate mosques in the U.S.
receive part of their funding from the terrorist-supporting muslim brotherhood
(lower-case letters intentional)! Why don't they announce that they are
disassociating themselves from the mb which aided and abetted hitler during
WW2 and which presently sponsors the killers of Jewish men, women and
children: hamas and hesbollah.
                         by Richard DePersio and the late Irving Penner
We were appalled by what is transpiring on American college campuses as seen
on JLTV (Jewish - the Chosen cable network). We were already cognizant of the fact
that over 60% of elementary public school and over 75% of public high school
teachers along with over 90% of college professors were liberal-biased. Public
schools and colleges - and this should concern moderates and conservatives - are
not institutions of education but bastions for liberal indoctrination wherein over
60% of American history text books on average are negative concerning American
       The doc* informed that most Jews don't favor censorship and are strong
advocates of free speech but do think that colleges should teach students how to think
and not what do think by presenting all not just one perspective an an issue.
What is happening in college classrooms - professors and auditoriums - guest
speakers -- is just plain disgusting. Rarely do professors expose students to
alternate views and rarely are those with the opposing view invited to speak and
when they are radical students negate their freedom of speak rights while the
college administration largely looks the other way.
      Young impressionable minds are being taught the Israelis turn Palestinian children
 into meat; they are slaughtered according to Jewish rites. They are engaging in ethnic
 cleansing regarding Palestinians. Students are being taught that Zionism is a disease.
 Jews are blamed for the problems of others (Hitler used the self-same tactic). Jews
are pigs. They are being told that Jews should be purged from gov and media. A map
of the Middle East replacing Israel with Palestine has been distributed on many colleges
campuses in California, New York, Washington, Vermont and Massachusetts -five
of the most lib states -- libs are big proponents of free speech: their own (just
look at most of television, newspapers, music and movies which is lib-controlled).
      Students are being told that Israeli policy toward Palestinians is as bad as
apartheid when in fact Palestinians enjoy self-gov on their land and those living in
Israel are offered citizenship. Arabs and Christians are represented in Israeli congress
and comprise 20% of the electorate. Students risk getting a lower grade or failing if they
don't agree with professor.
      Americans contact universities and colleges and tell them how real Americans
feel about free speech.
*Stand with Us Presents Tolerating Intolerance
Please read "Our Chosen People" Parts 1 & 2 at
Please read articles below concerning the attack against innocent minds.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard DePersio <>
To: Richard DePersio <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 6:08 pm

(UPDATE One floor down:
It has been made clearer; it was shocking and difficult to write:
The post concerning the slaughter of millions of little girl in PURPLE)l

Sent: Wed, Feb 1, 2012 1:08 pm

Richard DePersio is awarded Certificate of Appreciation (A Champion of Religious
Strange Bedfellows? Citizen Journalist is a deist with a splash of Plato!; Tom
Jefferson was a deist who attended services!
Citizen Journalist is not religious but he asks the questions: Is a dose of religion
in public schools constitutional? and Would children benefit from it?
When our nation was founded, most of the 13 states had an official religion. In many
cases, you had to pay a religious tax whether or not you attended church - only one
church (Christian denomination) was permitted in the state. You had to be a member
of that church to hold a government job in that state.
      Lousy Little Lying Liberals lie about what Tom meant by separation-of-church-
and-state. In 1801, the Danbury Baptist Association of Danbury, write to Tom express-
ing concern over the 'Establishment Clause.' Tom responded, "Believing with you
that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God...I contemplate
with sovereign reverence that the act of the whole American people which declared
 that their {U.S.} legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church
and state."
     Libs have distorted what he meant; claiming religion had no place in the public
arena, including, public buildings. What he actually meant was that due to the
'Establishment Clause' fed gov could not select a particular Christian denomination
and declare it to be the official religion of the nation. In which case, a state might
have to except two churches. He didn't question a state's right to establish a
     Further evidence of the lib lie: As Prez Tom ordered (the president was in charge
of the Board of Ed in DC back then) that the public schools begin and end the
school day with a prayer and that the Bible be employed to help teach English - just
like in the states! The vast majority of Americans were Protestant. Was he wrong?
 I think that the Founding Father's understood the Declaration of Independence, The
U.S. Constitution, including the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers better than
Supreme Court Justices in modern time. How dare they presume to know better!
     A Preacher approached Tom about an Indian tribe not on fed territory that was
interested in learning about Christianity and that he needed financial assistance.
Tom gave him fed funds to build a church and to cover his salary for one year.
We are credible on this issue for we are deists and non-religious. We can
address this matter in a manner that most others can't. We opt to place the
children first and foremost. PRAYER and the BIBLE NEEDS to be in PUBLIC
SCHOOLS!!! The way it was prior to 1964.
Most of the Founding Father's were Christians (a believe in God based on faith;
believe in miracles and prophesy and divine intervention) and some were deists (a
believe based on reason). Ben Franklin was an atheist who often quoted from the
Bible to make a point. He was disturbed that sessions of the Constitutional Convention
weren't starting with a prayer like the First and Second Continental Congresses had
been - he rectified the situation!
Apply reason: Without question juvenile delinquency of all types has risen since the '60s;
grades have plummeted (details downstairs). A child can stand politely if parent
doesn't wish child to participate in prayer. Libs have systematically encourages porno,
children's rights (what rights? Privileges as granted by parents and teaches) undermined
parental authority, attacked religious belief and the traditional marriage and family.
The first and largest teaches union formed in the early '60s. Prior to the 60s public
schools were nearly as good as Catholic schools when it came to education and
discipline. On average, private school (most private schools are Catholic) kids score
higher on national standardized tests and state-wide tests than do charter and home-
schooled kids who in turn score higher than children in magnetic schools. Regular
public school children bring up the rear!
We are in sync with deists prior to a hundred years ago not sure about today's. Let's
attempt everything to help our youngsters. Let's negate the growing immorality
being taught our young as early as 5! Stop invading the world of the innocent!
We employ you to read the posts below from beginning to end. Do it for the children.
                           Of all of the dispositions and habits which lead to
                           political prosperity, religion and morality are indispens-
                           able supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute
                           of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great
                           pillows of happiness -- these firmest props of the
                           duties of men and citizens. The mere politicians, equally
                           with the pious man, ought to respect and cherish them."
                           -George in his Farewell Address
George signed a law in 1789, declaring that schools were to teach the "religion, morality,
and knowledge" which was "necessary to good government and happiness.
Yes, we are deists! Are you surprised?
                          -We are Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist and we approve this message.
                          (PLEASE read the posts downstairs).

Fwd: The Innocent World of the Young is Under Attack

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:25 pm
Subject: Fwd: The Innocent World of the Young is Under Attack

                                  THE INNOCENT WORLD UNDER ATTACK - EXPANDED
                                          by Richard DePersio anf Citizen Journalist
                 (Please email articles at this venue to friends, family or co-workers or tell them to
                  connect to our web sites via Facebook: Second American Revolution or Follow
                                                        @rickaddsite on Twitter)
Sent: Mon, Jan 23, 2012 1:11 pm
Subject: The Innocent World of the Young is Under Attack

The Innocent World of the Young is Under Attack: Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
We beseech you to read the next four articles. They might not be our best written
but they are absolutely are most important!!!
It often starts in California and now the largest teacher's union once it to go national.
Teaching children as early as kindergarten that it is alright for a boy to pretend to be
a girl and visa versa; for boys to wear girl's clothes and for girls to dress like boys; for
 boys to kiss boys and to marry them, ditto girls.
It makes a lie out of libs ridiculous claim (see below) that homos are born that way.
Clearly they want children to experiment with such behavior and, hopefully, adopt it.
Thereby, increasing their political clout (right now, less than 5% of the population is
Should we be invading the innocent world of children with sexually controversial material!?!
An Attack on Innocent Little Girls in the 'safety of the womb via Sex-Selection. Nicolas
Eberstadt describes it as: "Sex-Selective Feticide." He says: "Millions of little girls are
missing." It is "Tantamount to a war against little girls" world-wide. In virtually all cases
around the globe - the girl is chosen for abortion! Not here; Not in the Good Ol' USA.
Rep. Trent Franks has proposed legislation to restrict sex-selection and race-selection
with penalties to the provider. Libs, we want you to justify the slaughter of the INNOCENT!
(Below: A scientific look at when pre-birth child is human). Not all abortions are performed
because mother or father ot both don't like the flavor of the unborn baby but when abortions are
thus perforned the male is the more esteemed. Life discarded in the millions due to being
a girl or black.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fwd: Normal Parents and Grandparents Be Wary...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Jan 16, 2012 12:29 pm
Subject: Normal Parents and Grandparents Be Wary...

                      Normal Parents and Grandparents Be Wary
                      by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
Please read posts on pages 1 & 2, especially, the next 3.
There an old saying: So goes California, So goes the rest of the Nation. It
meant that the liberal states of Washington, Oregon and the Northeast,
including, the New England states were likely to follow, a better than even
chance that most of the ten moderate states would do likewise.
     Gender identity not biological identity shall prevail! If a boy in public high
school thinks that he is a girl imprisoned in a boy's body, he can join an all-girl
sports team and must be allowed to use their facilities, such as, locker rooms
and bathrooms!
     Mom, dad, grandma and grandpa had do you feel about that!?!
     Of course, we shan't discriminate: girls in boy's bodies shall use urinels -
what a mess, there not as accurate with vaginas or are they imaginary vaginas?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fwd: Parents and Grandparents Beware - Expanded...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2012 5:55 pm
Subject: Fwd: Parents and Grandparents Beware - Expanded...

                               PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS BEWARE - Expanded
                                            by Richard DePersio and Duke Forrest
                                          (continues with two subsequent articles)
Sgt. Friday in Dragnet used to say: "Just the facts, ma'am." We add: "All, especially,
Moderates and Undecided read with an open mind."
       Christianity has been an integral part of U.S. military since our nation's founding.
It played a major role in traditions, including, ceremonies. The few per cent of members
who weren't Christian weren't unduly disconcerted: they could  stand quietly and
politely without participating. Remember: We live in a republic which means that majority
rules but none of the "Bill of Rights" can be taken away from minorities (predicated on race
or age or gender or religion or, even, minority of opinion) nor should minorities be unduly
disconcerted. The arrangement was constitutional. Now the 2% muslim have been objecting
or are they being pressured to do so by libs or are libs causing trouble and placing the blame
on muslims. Most likely: libs and muslims are complaining. We shouldn't have minority rule.
 Further, Tradition is good and vital. (lower-case letters intentional).
       The sissy PC military bowing to pressure has been moving away from Christianity for the
past five years. (we don't have a dog in the hunt: we are deists with a splash of Plato but
acknowledge the important role of Christianity in Western Tradition, including, U.S. History (See:
 Facebook - Second American Revolution).
       Step One: Military lower standards so that women can wear uniform; Step Two: Christian
prayers, symbols disappearing; Step Three: gays can serve openly in military; Step Four:
BESTIALITY no longer ground for expulsion from military!!! This effort by the military and the
senate was stopped by Republicans. We wonder how long it will be before liberals prevail.
       A few years back, Justice Scalia warned that ruling anti-sodomy laws (a few states still
had them on the books; although, they were no longer enforced) unconstitutional would lead to
same-sex marriage. Most legal experts disagreed. Who was right. Effort to decriminalize
bestiality was prompted by the end of 'Don't Ask/Don't Tell.'
       Nota bene': the three or so decades since the Courts first mandated the removal of
Christian principles from education and the public arena, violent crime has risen nearly 700 per
cent; teen pregnancies have increased nearly 700 per cent; academic achievement scores have
plummeted; America now consistently places among the last in the world in math and science;
and American literacy has fallen from the best in the world to a deplorable 48th - the worst of
any industrialized nation." (David Barton, "The Practical Benefits of Christianity").
       What unforeseen consequence will befall U.S. Military!?!
Sociology: You can be born with a strong or weak homo gene, nasty gene, criminal gene, greedy
gene, pedophile gene (according to prestigious John Hopkins). Bestiality gene? Why not. Making
excuses for bad behaviour.Libs: Homos can't help being what they are; Criminals shouldn't be severely
punished for they can't help themselves.
       Some geneticists and biochemists and psychologists think that it is largely bio: strong homo,
very likely to become homo. Others: genes signal dispositions. Environment/nurture will ultimately
decide. Why bring nature/bio into it. Just say: you are the product of everything that you have
learned in the order that you learned it; everything that you experienced in the order that you
experienced it; everyone you have known, especially, in most cases, parents.
Please read the following two articles. They may not be our best written but they are arguably our most
important. Learn about what's happening in your children's comics amongst other things...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fwd: What Every Parent and Grandparent Should Know...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Sat, Oct 29, 2011 12:50 pm
Subject: What Every Parent and Grandparent Should Know...

                          What Every PARENT and GRANDPARENT Should Know
                                      OFFENDING with TRUTH - Update 10
   (Does this represent one of Citizen Journalist's most important articles-rhetorical question;
                     Pease read the other posts at this web site -pages one and two)
                                  by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
(Must-Read: All; Updated: 2011: 10-20. 10-9, 10/2, 9/19, 8/25, 8/21, 7/27, 7/20, 7/11; Originally written:
7/1; "Addendum to Action Chain Letter 6" appears at end of "Offending with Truth." All material
 is as fresh as a new born babe; even fresher {just exiting womb}: an update in 'OWT' Addendum)
PREFACE: Our Request: Moderates and Undecided read from beginning to end with an open
mind...Warning: 1) New material may appear at beginning or middle or end or in new
"Offending with Truth: Addendum"; 2) Offending with Truth gets progressively more offensive,
 for some, as you progress from beginning to end. Open-mindedness is especially necessary
 when dealing with homo on a scientific-, psychological-, sociological-, theological-, political-levels
and with a fresh approach.
A recent Gallop Poll asked: "Is it your preference that government promote traditional moral
values? The results will shock most: 18-34 - 53%; 35-54 - 43%; 55 and older - 51%; out to lunch/
Undedcided - 10%. We aren't shocked. The younger get a bum rap!
         We don't think that gov should legislate morality nor do we think that it should
legislate immorality! Social libs favor it but would deny while the in-the-closet social libs called
libertarians wouldn't favor undoing such legislation.
         A few examples: 1) Ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." It should be reinstated pronto (be
fair; keep reading; be open minded). Gov and society shouldn't be in the business of condon-
ing and sanctioning that which is abnormal, immoral and aberrant (see below); 2) Legislation
of the 1960s-70s which endangered children with welfare mothers, further, it represents one
of the ways that lib congresses and judges have attacked and weakened traditional families.
We reiterate: endangered infants, babies, toddlers, children and teens (see below). Unwed
mothers should be encouraged to and unwed welfare mothers should be forced to give up
their babies for adoption for the sake of the babies! It often promotes divorce or the women
claiming abandonment in order to secure additional social services when the husband or
boyfriend is in reality still around (he isn't home or hides when the social worker makes the
required visitation - we are a compassionate people, we shouldn't be suckers {tax payer $$$s}).
It becomes a generational thing: there are many cases of children, parents and grandparents
all on the dole; an inappropriate environment in which to grow up. Unwed fathers shouldn't
enjoy visitation rights nor should their bastards and bitches lay future claims to their estates
(no matter how meager or plush). Since these children will be entering foster care or adoption,
the unwed father shouldn't be compelled to pay child support but forced to contribute to the
support of orphanages. Unwed mothers should be encouraged to give up babies for adoption even
if financially capable; (Be patient: the more offensive stuff is coming).3) When the 13
colonies became the thirteen states, most of them had a particular Protestant denomination as
 their official religion, most of them didn't allow other denominations, required
everyone to pay a church tax to support the churches and
required membership in the church to hold a gov job. Libs distort what Tom Jefferson meant by
separation-of-church-and-state: for example, it was he who ordered that the school day begin
and end in D.C. with a prayer - just like the states. By the 1860s, all states had dropped these
laws and regulations except requiring that the school day begin/end with prayer (abolished in
1964 along with using the Bible to help teach English). " the three or so decades since the
Courts first mandated the removal of Christian principles from education and the public arena,
violent crime has risen nearly 700 percent, teen pregnancies have increased nearly 700 percent;
academic achievement scores have plummeted..."-David Barton, "The Practical Benefits of
Christianity." (Before you even think that Citizen Journalist is a religious fundamentalist or
religious fanatic: he is a deist; how dare congress and the courts overrule the Founding Fathers
on prayer and Christian principles in public schools, how dare they assume to understand the
U.S. Constitution better than those who wrote it!!!
Did we go off on an A.D.D. diversion!?! Adderall, please...
         The movie, television and music industries generate the impression that over 90% of
13 to 35 year olds are lazy, unable to hold down a job and dying their hair purple; taking drugs,
disrespecting parents and teachers, getting into fights, having pre-marital sex, committing crimes,
etc.; are into rap and/or reggae and/or pop and/or heavy metal and watching trash on television
and the big screen which isn't so big anymore. (Be patient for Offending with Truth).
         Nota Bene': Prior to the 1980s, over 50% of the T.V. sets turned on were tuned into the
number one rated show; today, it's below 30%. The so-called experts say that it is only the
result of competition from cable. Isn't it possible that as the quality of shows (writing, directing
and acting - listed in order of importance) had declined? (Five, ten or more takes,
pay us the big bucks and we can screw up lines with the best of them!) Quality declined between
 1980 and the present and the shows became blatantly family unfriendly that people were moving
to cable not for even baser material but for news, sports, docs, family shows, old T.V. series and
        Experts tell us that 13 to 44 year olds, especially, 18 to 35 year olds purchase the most
CDs and download the most music. How is it that Country and Christian Contemporary are
multi-billion dollar industries! They have Gold and Platinum records too! Maybe, not as many as
rap but someone must be purchasing them. Isn't feasible that 50-60% of younger people are
into crap while 40% or more are digging (where hip, man) Country and/or Contemporary Christian
and/or Modern Jazz! Some of who don't want their friends to know about it. What about all the
good kids, many of whom are members of church groups that you don't hear about on the news
or see in today's movies and T.V. (except when they're being made sport of).
 This weeks edition (10/1) of "Religion and Ethics Weekly" reports that Illinois is about to
discontinue its $8 million in funding for "Catholic Charities" adoption/foster care program
(which constitutes about 80% of CC's budget for those programs) on the grounds that CC
will not allow homo and unmarried couples to adopt. Virtually everyone recognizes that
CC's program is outstanding.
        This clearly represents discrimination against a religious (non-secular) organization
on the part of the state. It also violates the U.S. Constitution and State of Illinois
Constitution which prohibits interference with the practicing of one's religion.
        Let's put the interests of the child first. Back in the '80s, feminist orgs maintained
that women could be super-women: have a successful career and be good mothers too -
husband optional. One of the founder's of the modern women's movement, Gloria Steinan
stated, "A women needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." The hypocrite got married
in the 90s! They created the term 'quality time' because career women were feeling
guilty about not spending much time with their child: we suppose that reading to your
child once a month should suffice. Something most disconcerting - for them - occurred
over the past ten years: study after study showed that a child was best off in a mom/dad
household functional followed by mom/dad dysfunctional (!) followed by single parent
functional and, bringing up the rear, single parent dysfunctional; predicated on quality of
care and the percentage of the children that grew up to drop out of high school and/or
take up drugs and/or drinking and/or commit suicide and/or spend time in jail/prison and/
or etc. These studies clearly could be extrapolated to show that two moms or two dads
are not in the best interest of the child and its the child that we should be concerned
about! (Further down, please find our expanded definition of homo).
 Is history about to repeat itself? As Yogi Berra said, "It's de'ja' vu, all over again."
        Recently, the prestigious John Hopkins Medical Center held a psychiatric
symposium on pedophilia wherein the majority of speeches and those in attendance
held the view that these scum (there is nothing lower; even prisoners despise them:
placing them on the bottom of the totem pole {not P.C.? Too damn bad!}) were
born this way and couldn't help themselves!
        The field of sociobiology is only a few decades old and is embraced by libs:
it makes excuses for bad behavior. Traditional biology tells us that congenital and
inherited diseases, skin color, hair texture, etc. are determined by genetics; it also
teaches that humans have the most developed brains are not slaves of their
biology. Sociobiology states that you can be born with a strong criminal gene
(therefore, criminals can't help themselves and shouldn't be punished too severely!),
a strong greedy gene, a strong nasty gene, a strong homo gene (homos can't help
being what they are (see last part of article for a scientific explanation of homos).
Get this: Sociobiology also claims that whether you're born with a strong or weak
nasty gene, it's the environment that will ultimately decide. Why not just simplify
matters and say: you are a product of everything that you learned in the order
that you learned it; you are a product of everything that you experienced in the
order that you experienced it; you are a product of everyone you have known,
especially, in most cases, your parents. Stop making excuses for bad behavior!
         We predict that a similar process will be employed on behalf of peds
as was employed on behalf of homos. We have an abnormal psychology textbook
published in 1977 which includes homos as a type of abnormal psychology. In
the early 1980's, the American Psychiatric Association reclassified it as a "normal
but alternate lifestyle." What a difference a few years make! Decades of research
was sacrificed at the liberal alter due to pressure from the budding gay lobby
backed by the powerful women's movement. How can they call psychology a
social 'science'!?! It became the favorite topic of perverted lib daytime talk shows
in the '80's and '90's. When an audience member was critical of such behavior,
the host or hostess (not P.C.) would shout, "You a homophobe" or "We don't
pass judgement here." Libs are big on free speech - theirs! And, teaching one
point of view on issues - public schools! What effect did it have on viewers?
For a few years, the vast majority were shocked and nauseated followed by a
few years of mild shock and queasiness followed by the attitude that it is wrong
but acceptable followed by it is a "normal but alternated lifestyle." While
probably over 70% considered it abnormal, immoral and unnatural (with 20%
supportive, 10% undecided) in the early '80's, it is today roughly 60%, who
favor same-sex civil unions, and 45% who favor same-sex marriage. (People are
too stupid to realize that it's the same thing; it's just a matter of semantics).
        And, another thing: sodomy. The dictionary defines sodomy as 1) anal sex;
2) homosexuality. It defines rape as forced sexual intercourse which is defined as
the penetration of the vagina by the penis.
        Would someone please explain why those in the lib-dominated media refer
to men raping boys (in time, it will be acceptable if consensual on the part of the
minor! or if parent approves of relationship. Do you think us crazy? Look at the
history of homos) and prisoners raping other prisoners. Don't those who write with
crayons and those who read off of TelePrompTer know the English language or
is rape more PC than sodomy because sodomy to many has a negative
connotation and, therefore, using correct terminology is frowned upon.
Are women and minorities stupid, weak and do they lack pride?
A few days ago, Obama ordered that fed gov come up with plans to make
fed workforce more diversified (too many white males!).
Isn't it enough that for many years 10 points have been added to the civil
service exams for those with vaginas and dark skin! We have affirmative action
in the workplace, in the issuing of scholarships, the awarding of gov contracts.
We have lowered standards for women so that they can wear a uniform.
       Some women and minorities no doubt truly qualify for the positions that
they hold but affirmative action is discriminatory and makes all women/
minorities look bad and is bad for efficiency. Who amongst us hasn't phoned
a gov department or agency and experienced the incompetence of unionized
gov employees or gotten the royal run around. Liberal social experimentation has
always been bad for America!
       We need less gov and better gov. Novel Notion: Merit.
Obama certified that process of undoing 'don't ask, don't tell' complete; now, gays
can openly prance in barracks and elsewhere, in spite of, opposition from the top
generals in Army and Marines on Joint Chiefs-of-Staff, opposition from over 50% of
 infantryman (the rest in favor or undecided) and over 60% of Marines and Special
Forces and their Spouses (see, Updated: "Action Chain Letter 6" moderates/
independents, please read with an open/objective mind). Gays trump Military Morale.
Thank you, Commander-in-Fruit Obama.
Texas: Bowie County Court Commission will no longer begin daily sessions
with the Pledge of Allegiance and a Prayer. Texas is one of the most religious,
patriotic and conservative states in the union. God or Nature forbid that a
taste of NYC and Los Angeles and San Francisco is making its insidious way
into Texas. If so, Ball game over.
 In the 'Is Nothing Sacred Category': Recently, a gay
character arrived in Riverdale - home of Archie - where a gay pride parade was
held! The lib brain-washing of youth continues (See, "Someone Who Knows) Intruding
on the innocent. If they're going to do it - here's a novel notion: teach both sides
of the story: the lib and the truth. Young people cannot develop their cognitive
skills when presented with only one point of view on issues. And, now, the
gay Kevin will be spun-off into his own comic in order to reach more young minds.
The image of the United States generated for the world is produced in the
Northeast and the West Coast, especially, N.Y. City and Los Angeles (which
includes Hollywood). But they're not representative of most Americans. Their views
are being forced on the rest of us, including, our children!
Package: this and next four articles.
American history textbooks in California will have to include gay, lesbo, transgender
history (What history!?!) and they can't be offended! Why should they be exempt?
A recent study showed that on average 65% of public elementary and high school
textbooks are negative about American history!
The truth about homos:
While over 90% of heterosexuals want to be parents, only 40% of lesbos and 20% of
gays do. If homos are born that way (5 % of all species of mammals are homo) they
are bad mutations in evolutionary terms for they would not be inclined to support the
survival of the species. (Why aren't evolutionary biologists and geneticists pointed this
out? Are they afraid of the gay and feminist orgs and lobbies? That makes for bad
science). We don't subscribe to sociobiological thinking.
Some consciously or subconsciously choose that lifestyle; others are that we because
of a traumatic experience early in life. Only 5% are afflicted with this condition.
Alternative: sociobiological nonsense. Members of the clergy and even practitioners of
 psychology (See "More Reader's Choice") have cured homos when
they consciously/subconsciously so desire and are willing to work hard at it. There is
a third explanation for some of the 5% and this one has a basis in genetics. An infant
might have a virus which screws with the genes resulting in homo with some but not
all members of subsequent generations having the disease. This is the manner in which
particular inherited diseases originate in certain families.
It effects you. Los Angeles is teaching in first grade: a boy can pretend to be a girl
or gender-less from time to time; a girl can pretend to be a boy or without gender;
girls can wear boys clothes and the converse as well; boy can kiss and marry boy,
ditto girls. Claim: Reduce bullying. Reality: undermine Judeo-Christian U.S. Constitution
and encourage abhorrent, abnormal, aberrant, unnatural behavior (increase gay numbers
in order to give them more political clout). Plans are for it to go state-wide. So goes
California, So goes the rest of the nation, especially, liberal states NE, like N.Y. And, it
is making its insidious way into Texas and Illinois. Sadly, the image that the world has
of our country is largely generated in New York City and Hollywood!
(Full disclosure: Author is non-religious, moral traditionalist, deist).
                                 ADDENDUM to OFFENDING with TRUTH
As we heretofore stated: Morally and Financially Bankrupt California Leads the Way for
States or Whole Nation. Don't be fooled by the apparent innocuous name: "Student Non-
Discrimination Act" which presently has 147 co-sponsors in the House (HR 998) and 34
in the Senate (s. 555). It will require in the already sexually explicit public school sex ed:
graphic description of homo sex (and may apply to private, including, religious schools as
well. It is the reason libs oppose school choice, they don't like what most private schools
do: don't teach homo or teach as sin). Purge religious references deemed by homo students
to be offense. It will necessitate math problems with homo characters and history classes
about the struggles of gays and lesbos against oppressive pro-family establishment. It will
encourage experimentation with 'different' lifestyles as early as first grade (read law). (homos
born that way, do libs REALLY believe that? Or, do that want to increase their numbers-see above).
Libs just love creating rights which are unconstitutional and don't exist in the Bill of Rights. Homo
students will be exempt from punishment for propositioning, harassing and sexually-assault-
ing their classmates.
Do you remember, Nancy Pelosi, saying of Obama-care: "Pass it to find out what's in it" ? We
are still finding out what's in it. It took a few decades to get marriage penalty (which discouraged
couples from marrying and encouraged living together) out of federal income tax. Lib attack on
marriage rears its ugly head again - this time in Obama-Care for poor and lower middle class to
be eligible it would be  a disadvantage to have a married/combined income.
Legislating immorality: abortion; social programs; same-sex marriages; gays in military;
healthcare; exorcising prayer and Bible and Moral Code in public schools; mandating perverted
sex ed; so much more.
Human defined: 46 chromosomes; humans have 46 from conception. Body has to create
special hormones to prevent killer-cells in immune system from attacking germinal (fetus)
because it is not of the body - half chromosomes from mother and half from the father - -
unique individual. So much for the argument: It's the women's body and only she should
THE END of MARRIAGE as WE KNOW IT: H.R. 1116/s 598 is sponsored by 127 in the
House and 29 in the Senate thus far. It calls for the repeal of "The Marriage Protection Act"
which presents one state from compelling another state from accepting a same-sex marriage
and some contend that it implies civil unions as well.
       This new bill will also pave the way for transgender and bi-sexual marriages and more.
The arrack on the sanctity of marriage and the traditional family continues...See next Addendum... 
(Contact you members of congress. Don't know their names? Call 202-224-3121 and just
supply the name of your state - you do know that, don't you? Also: name.senate (or house).
                    ADDENDUM to ACTION CHAIN LETTER 6 (which follows; reading ACLs
                                                     1-5 not required)
On October 30, Department of Defense announced that military chaplains could perform
same-sex unions on or off military facilities.
       There were a few states that still had anti-sodomy laws on the books; although, they
were no longer enforced. A few years back, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled them
unconstitutional. Justice Scalia, who wrote the minority statement, warned that this would
open a can of worms, including, leading to same-sex marriages. The vast majority of'
legal minds said that he was wrong. He was right.
       The DOD decision raises some interesting questions. What about the "Marriage
Protection Act" passed in 1996: A state does not have to acknowledge a same-sex
marriage from another state. Many feel that it applies to same-sex unions as well. The
difference only being a matter of semantics. Over 30 states have laws and/or state
constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriages or same-sex marriages and
same-sex civil unions. While only a handful of Protestant denominations allow for
same-sex marriages or unions, would their ministers be allowed to perform in states
which prohibit it? Will we see that vast majority of chaplains sued for not doing so?
(Please read the article proper which follows with an opened mind).