Monday, October 8, 2012

Fwd: CITIZEN Offending with Truth JOURNALIST

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 8, 2012 8:43 pm
Subject: Fwd: CITIZEN Offending with Truth JOURNALIST

    As Sgt. Friday used to say: "Just the facts, ma'am."
 Our Motto: "We Report/You Decide." As Yogi Berra used to
say: "It's deja vu' all over again  (Do we have enough sub-titles?
Or, put another way, Is our sub-title long enough?)
             by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist
(The following demonstrates the Citizen Journalist style
quite well: while others are employing just the one argument:
 the natural inclination to protect; CJ will present numerous:
 some original, thereby, giving his moderate and conservative
 readers ample ammunition. As always, feel free to email this
and other posts, we only ask that we are credited. Please tell
 friends that they can connect to CJCS Comsats (web sites)
via Facebook - Second American Revolution. Thank You)
HEADLINE: Shocking - Former Navy Secretary Lehman on
Readiness of Our Fight Pilots on Aircraft Carriers...
Women in uniform are hot!...The TRUTH ABOUT WOMEN IN UNIFORM...
Our military is planning to allow women to serve near the front line in
war-time. Is this in the best interest of our security or is this the
consequence of liberal political pressure? What are the facts? In basic
 training (Army and Air Force) and in boot camp (Navy and Marines)
women don't train with, don't compete against and aren't graded against
men. Why separate and unequal? It is felt that the male recruit is
somewhat immature and might engage in verbal and/or physical
harassment of sexual, as well as, non-sexual nature if they were to
spend to much time in close quarters.. This constitutes an absurd mode
of thinking. It should logically follow that the male recruit is too immature
to wear a uniform. Further, aren't women capable of defending
 themselves!?! The other reason is unspoken...we shall speak it...
women wouldn't perform as well as men if their were to train and
compete together. Feminists would have a fit that women were being
humiliated. At the same time, feminists try to gloss over the difference
between the genders. Feminists chose to ignore the fact that women
have to reach lower standards - mental and physical - on tests in order to
pass basic and boot - and now they should be allowed near the front! You
could have an all-male army and succeed but not an all-female or all-homo.
What about morale? Last year, the military ended Don't Ask/ Don't Tell - in
 spite of the fact that over 60% of Infantrymen, Marines and Special Forces
didn't want to serve with homos. Parading their Perversion in Public...and
EXPERIMENTATION!!! We assume that their opinions and objections will
 be ignored regarding opening up combat positions near the front to the
 female. A male soldier doesn't always secure the occupation that he
 requests. If he is assigned a combat position, he can't opt out. Under this
plan (which has nearly been adopted)women would be afforded
the option. Further, they will be afforded the opportunity to opt out of a
dangerous assignment meaning that a unit might have to perform a task
 with fewer individuals than are deemed necessary.
Presently, women serve in support roles. In Iraq, that did walk the streets
 (as street walkers, we josh) a long with males when all the fighting in that
 town (a type of front) was over - all the fighting having been done by
 males. It was dangerous for their were snipers. A role that women,
heretofore, had not assumed but in Iraq assumed rarely. We bet that their
 were more female casualties than male. Of course, we will never know:
These statistics will never be revealed as the U.S. Military fears feminists
orgs like N.O.W. On the other hand, there might have been fewer female
 casualties, as of result of, male protection. (We confirmed most of the
 preceding with a former soldier who did two tours in Iraq; rest-various
sources). Last year, we saw a doc on basic training in which males and
females - separately, of course - had to crawl on their stomachs
 pretending that bullets were being fired above them. One soldier had the
additional task of pulling a heavy load. The male struggled but succeeded.
 The female couldn't; two other females had to drift back to assist her.
 The narrator (script must have been written by a lib) said that the
 important thing was that the job had been done and that women generally
 achieved goals via cooperation more often than men. Let's objectively
analyze the situation; three people doing the job of one is a positive?;
what if those two soldiers were needed for something else, they were no
 longer be available; three soldiers clustered together making for an easier
target is a positive!?! Who can forget America's heroin...pardon me, hero
Jessica Lynch, the first female soldier to be captured in Iraq. The liberal
 media, feminist groups and the new politically-correct military made her
into a hero. She was a support soldier who found herself in proximity to the
 enemy. Why? Should didn't know how to use a compass and read a map
 (How did she pass basic? - That's right, we know how; doesn't she remind
 you of that great female aviator Amilia Earhart.). Was she a hero for getting
lost? Was she a hero for attempting to avoid capture? No; she didn't do that.
Was she a hero for saving lives? No, again. After capture did she attempt to
escape - no, we were told that she was too wounded to do so (Is it possible
 that she was too terrified; we'll never know). They don't make heroes like
 they used to (forgive me for Offending with Truth and forgive me for ending
 a sentence with a proposition!!). LIBERAL SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION.
 joke: the new military. Be all that you can be in the sissy army. There was
 an expression used by real soldiers in WW1: "Praise the Lord and pass the
 ammunition." The modern version should be: Praise the Lord and pass the
 lipstick. HOLD IT! Lord? God is being removed from the military - a tradition
 dating back to our nation's founding due to new minority rule in the military
 (for more on this, as well as, women in uniform {learn about
 the  dirty little secret concerning women cops} visit - you can connect via Facebook: Second
 American Revolution). Do you have a strange feeling of having been there
before? Several years ago what is about to happen in Army had already
transpired - The case of the Navy and Marines: The Tail Hook Incident: Male
Marines sexually assaulted and harassed female officers. All cases were
 one-on-one; none of the women could successfully defend themselves -
what malfunctioned regarding the female fighting machines!?! Result:
 Billy-boy Clinton decided to punish all fighter jocks in Navy and Marines by
making them accept females in combat flying roles. No studies to determine
 if fems could handle it or what effect it would have on male aviators: their
 balls had to be shrunk! We now know the result of that LIBERAL SOCIAL
EXPERIMENTATION. According to former Navy Secretary John Lehman
and many others the warrior/fighter jock culture has been diluted. The old
swagger and confidence removed. Standards have been lowered for those
with vaginas so that they can pass - males are compelled to pass them. It is
 reasonable to assume that fem casualties are higher, on the other hand, it
could be male due to incompetent flying whores or due to males maneuvering
 to protect them, thereby, endangering themselves. Male nature: protect
women! Public will never be supplied with data because now the military is
afraid of BIG Bad N.O.W. (National Organization of Women). Before
all-volunteer military was established in '74, only nurses allowed near the
front, not at it, like corpsman and medics. Female support soldiers weren't
allowed to bring supplies to the front, as a result. temporarily be there - that
 too will change. Getting back  to the Navy and Marines, we'd like to
proposes to new mottos for them: Fly your Flag, Sail and Skirt High;
When Fighter Jock Fly, Shoot Them in the Fly. Will allowing gays to serve
openly or allowing women at the front or lowering standards for women to
pass or taking Christianity out of the military --- enhance military capability
 (rhetorical question). Military is special component of our nation and
shouldn't be a playground for libs and should be shielded from the
craziness of the rest of 'society.' GIRLS JUST GOT TO BE BOYS!!!
(Please read older posts: still relevant; not out-of-date; valuable info;
we worked hard on them).

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fwd: What Will Crazy/Dangerous Libs...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 26, 2012 8:10 pm
Subject: What Will Crazy/Dangerous Libs...

                      (For Moferates and Conservatives)
               by Richad DePersio and Citizen Journalist
We are confident that Ms and Cs would agree with us that libs are
crazy but also dangerous, especially, to children; libs at best are
amoral or don't subscribe to traditional morality and at worst, they
are immoral.
      Posts at this comsat are concerned with efforts to mainstream
depravity, the killing of the innocent, the death of military traditions,
things that libs are doing behind parents backs in public schools
amongst other things.
      Studies have shown that less than 40% of public school teachers
and administrators hold traditional moral views. Now, in lib New York
City after banning BIG kulps is distributing the morning after bill
and other contraceptives to children as young as 14 without parental
      if truth be told, this time it isn't completely behind the backs of
parents. letters were send to parents offering them the opportunity
to opt out and only 2% did so!!! Are parents immoral? We think not.
In all likelihood, they saw the return address was for the school
and treated it like junk mail: didn't bother to read it thinking that the
 school wanted money or to ask them them to volunteer time. Time:
 Parents fail to devote enough time to their children, especially,
career moms and workaholic dads. Considering the gravity of the
issue, parents should have been notified more than once and in
different ways. 2%: We think that they number would have been at
least 60% if parents had read it or were notified more than once.
      Often they operate totally behind parent's backs (see posts 
below). Prior to the '60s, teachers and administrators felt that they
 worked for the parents. Since then more and more of them think
 that the children are theirs to do what  they  wish during the school
It is likely to be a very close election and Judicial Watch continues
to pressure states to clean up their voter rolls; to fight illegal
immigration - cities with sanctuary policies in violation of the law;
to refuse to "move on" and are fighting to see fed gov records
pertaining to the bailouts - the BO administration is highly
secretive. JW recently filed an open records lawsuit seeking
access to taxpayer grants to La Raza - the nation's largest
advocacy group for sanctuary policies. Ms and Cs shouldn't have
to find this. Right?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fwd: Momus Presents...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 12, 2012 7:11 pm
Subject: Fwd: Momus Presents...

                          (for Moderates and Conservatives)
                              by Richard DePersio with Pan

Pan (Hey, that's me!), the god of woods and fields, of flocks and
shepherds, dwelt in grottos, wandered on the mountains and in the
valleys and amused myself with leading, the dances of the nymphs. I'm
 fond of music, and was, the inventor of the syrinx, or shepherd's pipe,
which I play in a masterly manner (modesty not being one of my strong
suites). I am dreaded by those  whose occupations cause them
 to pass through the woods by night, for the gloom and loneliness of
such scenes dispose the mind to superstitious fears. Hence sudden
fright without any visible cause is ascribed to me, and called a panic
 terror or attack.                                                             (Autobiographical)
Get a load of this: So you got this guy in prison for murder in
Massachusetts who has been receiving judge-approved/taxpayer 
funded hormones for quite some time because he wants to be a she!
Now, the same judge says that he can take the final step and get a
taxpayer paid for sex-change operation. This is not in the Western
Tradition. What is happening to the U.S.A?!? The president grants
societal and gov stamp-of-approval to that which is immoral (Bible),
abnormal (evolution - bad mutations), abnormal/unnatural (according to
traditional psychology): homos. This is not in the Western Tradition.
(More perversions on the floors below, including, "Normal Parents and
Grandparents be Wary").
BO is building on FDR and LBJ in creating a dependent nation with 50%
of Americans receiving some form of federal assistance. Many people
might vote for him to get on the gravy train (there are far more people on
food stamps than when his presidency was launched). People want the
freebies - but they really aren't free -- $16 trillion debt which could spell
our demise!!! As we wade our way through woods of large numbers not
trees, we suffer a Pan-induced anxiety attack!!! We have a choice: 'Free
stuff' or FREEDOM!
Judicial Watch scores another BIG victory on the issue of taxpayer-funded
perks for illegals! A lawsuit was filed by two unnamed illegally and others
 to prevent the people of Maryland from voting on their state's so-called
Dream Act. Thanks to JW, it will appear on the ballot in November. The
Marylanders' first referendum on state law in 20 years. The act includes
taxpayer-funded discounts for illegals' college tuition.
On adults, including, parents setting a bad example for the children. When
unionized gov workers demonstrate/throw a tamper tantrum to get their
way: increases in salaries which are already much higher than the average
worker; don't want to be graded - held accountable; want to bankrupt a
state; demand larger pensions when they are already much larger than the
average worker; refuse to work. Pre-BO, we admired successful people as
people to emulate; now, we are jealous of them and want to seize with they
have without working for it: income redistribution. We punish hard work
by kicking him up to a higher income bracket. The top 10% of Americans
money-wise pay over 60% of Fed income taxes. Blood/Sweat/Tears - he
only retains a small portion of what he earns; if he had more, he could
generate more wealth for himself and many others in the process - Adam
Smith's INVISIBLE HAND at ill gotten booty:
Crime; union settlements - more pay, fewer hours. This is not in the
Western Tradition. This is  not the Protestant Work Ethic!
*He could only mock our Aphrodite for being talkative and having creaky
sandals. How could there be anything more; that's all he had!



Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fwd: The Rise and Fall of...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 22, 2012 6:58 pm
Subject: Fwd: The Rise and Fall of...

                  The RISE and FALL of WESTERN CIVILIZATION, including,
                                             AMERICAN BRANCH
                              by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
Dear Moderates and Conservatives:
Please read or reread: "OFFENDING with TRUTH: Episode - Call to Action"
at rickadd, as well as, "Normal Parents and Grandparents be Wary - Expanded
Version" and "Choose + Click + Compensate = Cash for Charity" at Citizenj.
Connect via Second American Revolution at Facebook; you need not be a
cyber-friend. Reading assignment is optional (eligible for extra credit).
Former UN Ambassador John Bolton writes:
"...Obama's radical policies to
     - throw open our borders, ending American sovereignty*;
     - grant de facto amnesty for illegal aliens by not enforcing federal law in
       violation of the Constitution*;
     - allow state-terrorism sponsor Iran to develop nuclear-tipped missiles**;
     - turn America's back on our ally Israel our one true friend in the volatile
       Middle East**;
     - use the morally corrupt U.N. of all places to criticize Arizona for simply
       trying to enforce federal immigration law that the president refuses to
     - take medical decisions away from you and your doctor, giving them to
       Obama's new Independent Advisory Boards (IABs) - the ObamaCare
       death panels you've heard about;
...You see, I'm appalled by President Obama and his Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton globalist efforts to circumvent the U.S. Constitution and the
American peoples' right to self-governance.
Just consider that Barack Obama recently called himself a 'citizen of the world.'
Those are his words. Obama is our first post-American president - someone
who sees his role in foreign policy less as an advocate for what he sees as
America's 'parochial' self interests and more as an advocate of global governance.
As a globalist, self-described 'citizen of the world,' Obama races to bind
American decision making to U.N. controls..."
We need to worry. This will likely be a close election and it's a good thing that
Judicial Watch (full disclosure: we are members) is on the job. JW: "...the
Obama gang is working hard to steal the 2012 elections...but we're fighting them
in the courts on more and more fronts...Our research discovered that in 12
Indiana counties the number of registered voters exceeds 100% of the voting-age
population...And don't forget why we are filling these lawsuits in states across
the country. Dirty voter rolls carrying the names of dead and ineligible voters
like illegal aliens are an open invitation to ACORN-style voter fraud.
Our Comments:
*The browning of America. We have no problems with those who come here
legally. If we legalize the millions of illegals and later they bring over their
families, we can wave goodbye to Western Civilization/American Branch!
**We should give Israel the green light to attack Iran's nuclear and missile
facilities with our supplying any back-up that they need - no need for boots
on the ground. This MUST transpire before year's end. The longer that we wait
the more difficult it will be - and will necessitate boots! We should target North
Korea's missile and nuclear facilities with our missiles. Throw North Korea
completely back to the Dark Ages. The time-traveled nation exists in the Dark
 Ages except for its missile and nuclear programs.
***The first president to do such a despicable thing. It might not be an impeachable
offense but it smell nearly as bad. Only libs and a dirty handful of mods embrace
anti-American and useless UN --- and want to empower it. (See "Upside Down
Article" at and "A Bad Case of Treason" at Citizenj.
P.S. Just remember this: a kiss is just a kiss*, a sigh is just a sigh, the fundamental
things apply as time goes by - Add to Favorites or Bookmark Second American
Revolution at Facebook.
*hetero-kissing only at our comsats

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fwd: Christians (and Deists too) for Israel...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 18, 2012 8:30 pm
Subject: Christians (and Deists too) for Israel...

                                           CHRISTIANS (and DEISTS too) for ISRAEL
                                  by Honorary Jews Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
                              (why is it that they are never seen together. See: "The Return of
                                        Citizen Journalist" at
        Jew David Brog, appearing on JLTV (the Chosen Network) stated that he never
expected to be the Executive Director of Christians United for Israel ( He said
that Christians are sincere in their commitment to Israel with some feeling guilty about
the past (how will that sit with Christians?). This is a worthy and a vital cause: the
continued existence of the Jewish homeland from muslims who want to destroy it. It is
sacred land to Christians and Jews alike, especially, Jerusalem. Where not interested
in muslims. Help protect this nation and its holy places. Help their needy. CUFI is the
US's largest pro-Israel organization. Also look into another fine group: Stand with Us. (We
have written about the little mohammads, including, "Our Chosen People" at
- connect to both sites via Facebook Second American Revolution and Twitter @rickaddsite;
those aren't are only articles about moderate muslim myth and more at our web sites).
       Alliance Defense Fund (full disclosure: strange bedfellows - we are deists who contribute
to this fine org protecting Amendment One of the Bill of Rights; they have changed their name to:
Alliance Defending Freedom): Their biggest enemy and yours --- ACLU which has been fighting
the free exercise of religion for 92 years!
       Planned Parenthood is fighting to reelect BO whose support he enthusiastically accepts
even after ADF sued them for fraudulent use of taxpayer dollars. BO won't allow his Justice
Department to defend the "Marriage Protection Act of 1996" in court because of his homo
agenda (we examine homo from a scientific, theological and psychological perspectives here and
at (you might have to connect via Facebook). Call us ignorant but
we thought that the president took an oath to defend the constitution and all the laws of the
United States and not just the ones that he likes!). ADF: "He is ordering Christians to violate
their beliefs and consciences by ordering them to pay for things things they detest ---- like
abortion-inducing drugs. You're not getting an 'option out' like his friends received from
Obamacare...This administration 'strongly opposes' protections for military chaplains from being
forced to perform 'weddings' between people of the same sex...The Obama Administration
eliminated federal protections for Christian health-care workers who cannot participate in the
sins of abortion or distributing abortion -inducing drugs..."The ACLU and the Obama officials
want to put a lid on the First Amendment and confine it to living out your religious convictions
in the privacy of your home or church. But your church better be careful of what it says! They call
this freedom of 'worship.'
       Judicial Watch (we contribute to them as well): "...Obama gang's campaign to steal election...
with one of the most critical areas of focus for JW is dirty registration rolls..........JW is a leader in
fighting alien sanctuary policies around the country....53,000 dead registered voters in Florida;
Millions nationwide (JW quotes" CJ: "Of course, both issue are related."
JW: "JW files new brief in effort to stop in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens."
BO celebrates 'gay pride' day and so does pentagon - today's military! Next year, it gets better: it
will be celebrated at all U.S. military bases, here and abroad (what they need is a broad!).
What else will you find downstairs? You'll find an attack on the innocent, the changing military
and more.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Fwd: The Culture War: News from the Front...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 9:04 am
Subject: The Culture War: News from the Front...

                                               THE CULTURAL WAR: NEWS FROM THE FRONT
                                       by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and Jose' Jimenez
Our tease at and rickaddsite. Now, the answers: Hispanics or Latinos
 (whatever they prefer to be called) are the biggest threats to American Identity, Western Civilization -----
and to blacks!!! HonorableXXX Dishonorable Mention: Muslims.  (Coming Soon: Within this article - the
 Moderate-muslim-Myth and anchor Joses).
      Latin America isn't part of Western Civilization nor did it contribute to America becoming the number one
 nation on the globe. The changing American Identity is due in large part to the Immigration Reform Act of
 '65 and the Amnesty of '87. We want: Melting Pot not multi-culturalism. A desire to preserve that which
made America great and to build upon it and a desire to have others in our nation embrace it, even if not
 technically a part of their heritage, isn't bigoted. Being Pro-American/Pro-Western Civilization/Pro-Traditional
 Moral Values and anti-lib isn't bigoted! Unity: United States. There is so much Western Civilization,
including, American Branch that only it should be taught in  elementary and high schools (ONE: melting pot)
 with multicultural limited to home, parades/festivals and colleges.
      1960: 2% of population Hispanic; 1990: 8%; Today: 14% (this doesn't include illegals). Blacks - African-
American breed - 1990: 11%; Today: 13%. They worked hard to achieve equality but have steadily been
 loosing political clout due to high 'brown' birth rate They aren't pleased with the changing situation. Yet, over
 90% voted for BO.
       IQs, on average, Orientals score higher than crackers, crackers score higher than darkies, darkies
 on average outscore browns while reds bring up the rear. Average white is higher than average blacks,
nonetheless, there are blacks who are smarter than whites.The notion that IQ tests are designed by
vanillas for vanillas is a silly lib excuse without merit and foundation. It is designed to measure certain
types of intelligence enjoyed by all homo sapiens. Stop insulting minorities.
       What does the future hold?
       By 2035 or sooner, honkies will no longer be the majority - there won't be a majority; we will constitute
 the largest minority. By 2070 or sooner, the largest minority or, perhaps, the majority will be brownies with
a different culture not the best one: WC/AB; It will be rendered a distant memory.
      How will it come to pass?
      Of the estimated 12 million illegals (likely an underestimate), 9 million are Hispanics; 6 of the 9
are wetbacks.
      The BO factor:
Larry Dever, Sheriff, Cochise County, Arizona: "...I never dreamed I would be a lawsuit by
Barack Obama, Eric Holder and even the ACLU...If we win, the work can finally begin to clean up the
mess at our borders!! If we lose, every pro-amnesty, anti-American who can afford a lawyer will use
the ruling in our case as a club to beat every state in submission - it will be virtually impossible for
officers anywhere to do their jobs without fear of being sued - and it will be next to impossible to stop
anyone from crossing our borders." (Send a donation for his cause and legal defense fund).
       Anchor babies a.k.a. anchor Jose'-s: Clearly Amendments 13, 14, 15 to the U.S. Constitution (we've
 stated this many times) was meant to apply and apply only to former black slaves and their children and
not those who illegally enter our Sovereign Nation and deposit a baby here!
       Once again BO wants to violate the U.S. Constitution (we have 19 charges now against him. See:
"A Bad Case if Treason." Look and ye shall find!). Illegal aliens who have U.S. relatives. Judicial Watch:
 "...Homeland Security...will grant 'unlawful presence waivers' to  illegal aliens who can prove that they
have a relative that's a U.S. citizen. Currently, such aliens must return to their native country and request a
waiver of inadmissibility in an existing  overseas immigration process. In other words, they must enter
the U.S. legally as thousands of foreigners do on a yearly basis...Security risk...rewarding bad behavior..."
       "Indeed as JW has pointed out many times, the Obama Administration is intent on granting amnesty
to millions of illegal immigrants with or without approval by Congress --- and despite stiff public
opposition...DHS policy of 'selective deportation' which dismiss deportation against a wide
variety of illegal aliens, even those convicted of serious crimes."
      The last two paragraphs: All of whom will be competing for jobs with those who were born here and
who came here legally. BO won't be satisfied until their is blanket amnesty. Isn't it bad enough that most
illegals (courtesy of lib governors. county execs and mayors) receive social services and healthcare now - the
cost of their presence far outweighs any alleged economic benefit from their being here; legalizing them will
only compound the problem. Let's not forget the crimes that they commit! We're not talking about 9 or 12 million -
legalizing them will mean that immediately or after 5 or 7 years, they can bring their children and parents here
(those not already illegally present). We are talking about a flood of 30 to 40 million!!! Competing for jobs,
 receiving social services (don't forget the national debt!) and destroying American Identity!!!!!!!!
Here come the muslims with their wonderful culture...We've been saying it ever since they planned (which
they succeeding in doing) building their islamic center near Ground Zero in New York City. The muslim
brotherhood (lower-case letters intentional) aided and abetted hitler doing WW2, contributes funds to the
hamas and hezbollah terrorist groups and contributes funds to most so-called 'moderate' mosques in the
     Now we hear...French Porch Politics has revealed 'stealth' operations by the muslim brotherhood to give
funds to public schools and 'request' that they teach arabic!!!
Check out: Western Culture Global and Facebook Youth for Western
(We have five web sites - be a glutton and read more than one page per site).

Thursday, May 31, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 5:54 pm
Sadly measure defeated. We tried. Let's make a habit of WORKING TOGETHER on major issues.
Sent: Thu, May 31, 2012 1:30 am
Subject: BLOODY (as our Brit friends would say) MURDER!!!
House is expected to vote on disgusting sex selection this week. We have been talking about it for
weeks. We  doubt that it would pass. Libs will vote against it.* Even though, it is the most anti-female
act in existence for they fear weakening abortion. Libs are hypocrites: How can they call themselves
feminists and at the same time vote against this legislation!?! Nonetheless, we implore you to do the
humane thing - even if libs can't: Fight for the INNOCENT. Call your Congressman. House Operator
will assist: 1-202-224-3121. Do it today. Just say 'NO' to sex selection and the murdering of the
DEFENSELESS!!! (See below).
*Due to arcane House procedures a 2/3 vote is necessitated to pass.
Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 12:27 pm
Subject: ...$$$s for CHARITY

                              CHOOSE + CLICK + COMPENSATE = CASH for CHARITY
                                             by Richard DePersio and Dago RED
     (Our articles are written for moderates, moderate-conservatives and conservatives)
 We are proud sponsors of "ChildFund International," "JudicialWatch" and Alliance Defense
 Fund and strongly urge you to make purchases on our five web sites as our profits - all - go to
 these three outstanding organizations. Thank You.
(We have a bone to pick with CCF. Some might consider it a trifle/a small bone. We think
CCF writes: "Girls are the most at risk, just because they are female... Gender-based
violence toward the most vulnerable children living in poverty adds another layer of
physical, psychological and emotional trauma that can last a lifetime --- and destroy their
future...Sexual violence by male peers and teachers; Early or forced marriage for young
girls; Lack of protection from violence and danger; Trafficking for the purpose of
exploitation; Traditional, gender mutilation practices harmful to females; Neglect and
denial of medical care, especially for girls. One of the countries where CCF be launching
programs on GBV is Liberia.
(CCF failed to mention what we talk about 3 and, especially, 4 floors down. Are they afraid
to offend libs who won't give an inch on this issue, no matter how cruel!?! And, it is even
transpiring in our country!...We contacted CCF and took them to task when they changed their
 name from Christian Children's Fund. We wondered why even though we are deists. Fear of
libs. Their explanation: our mission is much more inclusive now and somewhat different then
in the past. Satisfactory to you?).
CCF is an outstanding organization and consistently scores high ratings as regards percentage
of contribution actually spent on the needy vs. overhead. Compassionate people: Consider
making a contribution or sponsoring a child here or abroad. Orgs like this do a far better job as
regarding the less fortunate than do gov programs but don't possess the same resources.
Per capita Americans are the most giving people in the world - consider at least a one-time
contribution to CCF. And, Americans would do more if fed gov got out of the social service
arena - where it constitutionally doesn't belong! /1-800-776-6767
Strange Bedfellows: Alliance Defense Fund and Citizen Journalist. CJ was born and raised a
Catholic, became an atheist at 18, a pantheist at 30, and, eventually, a deist with a splash of
Plato (he nearly slipped up and revealed his age - you won't find it at Facebook or Twitter. Alright,
he'll finally reveal this much: between 33 and 43).
Why? (Why won't he reveal his age? None of your business. Sherlock is still trying to find out).
Why does he support ADF? He contends that over the centuries, religion has done more good
than bad. He believes that the secularization of America, especially, since the '60s has been
very BAD!!! He is a strict Constitutionalist who share the views of the Founding Fathers as
regards religious freedom and not the revisionist lousy little lying libs' (there is our favorite
alliteration again!) distortions of the views of George, Ben, Tom, Jim and company. (More on this
on the floors below: not-out-of-date, still as relevant now as it was when written; there's a lot of
good stuff down below!).
ADF writes: "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and its allies are unyielding. They never
let up. Nothing is off-limits to them. Everything Christian, every public prayer, every Christian
symbol is fair game for attack...No one has filed more lawsuits against religious liberty than the
ACLU...Mountain Home, Idaho city officials told No Limits Christian ministries that zoning laws
permitted no churches in the community. But ADF-allied attorney took the city to court and now No
Limits has no limits in its ministry. We ask: Why doesn't ACLU go after Muslims???
You need not be religious in general or Christian in particular to be a staunch defender of
Amendment One in the Bill of Rights! Please consider making a one-time contribution or
becoming a a regular contributor: /1-800-TELL-ADF.
Are we opposed to BO because the three spiritual advisors that he had beginning as a teen with
the second being the Reverend 'Wrong' - all subscribing to the same disturbing theology? No; though
disturbing. It is because he is a lib? No. JFK is a lib icon; they are too stupid to realize that he was
anything but a lib! He instituted major tax cuts, challenged America in Moon Race (though motivation
was to distract attention from Bay of Pigs fiasco), sent first flighting man to Viet Nam - Green Berets
(right decision based on available intelligence - which would later turn out to be faulty). LBJ was an
enthusiastic supporter of NASA. Jimmy 'Peanuts' Carter and the Camp David Accords. They were libs.
We haven't agreed with one single thing that BO has done. He might be a Constitutional Criminal. (See:
"A Bad Case of Treason" at 'rickaddsite,' Page 6, near top - connect via FB Second American
Revolution or Twitter @rickaddsite -- remember: there is good stuff on page one and beyond).
Judicial Watch: "...the naked truth is that government corruption is never-ending in this bigger-than-
ever, socialist orthodoxy of the Obama administration." JW has filed a staggering 877 Freedom of
Information Act requests and more than 75 lawsuits regarding ObamaCare, continued Obama
funding of the criminal ACORN group, tracking Wall Street bailout money, his potentially
unconstitutional use of czars who are accountable to no one but him, the corrupt political machine's
intentions to steal the 2012 election..and more. Enable Judicial Watch to continue Watching: /(202) 646-5172, 1-888-593-8442.
Become a member of TEAM USA at SETI@home U.S. is in 5th place - Are you going to put up with
We are considering contributing a little something - we can't afford much to "Youth for Western
Civilization" and so should you! Find out more at